Muslin Cleansing Cloth - Lavete demachiante bumbac

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Aceste tesaturi de muselina 100% bumbac au fost special concepute pentru a curata, exfolia delicat, tonifia si ameliora circulatia sangvina. Lasa pielea exceptional de catifelata, neteda si mai bine pregatita pentru aplicarea serumurilor si a cremelor.
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Se recomanda utilizarea alternativa a celor trei tesaturi de muselina.
A se spala la 40 °C o data la 2-3 utilizari.
Pentru orice achizitie de Demachiant in format 100 ml sau 200 ml, recomandam achizitionarea unui lot suplimentar de tesaturi de muselina.
Bumbac 100%
100% cotton
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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27 recenzii
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27 recenzii
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Mey S.
Best face wash experience!
The Muslim cleansing cloth is the perfect companion to use with any of the cleanser and rescue mask. The perfect cloth to cleanse, exfoliate and to wipe dry the face while giving a spa like quality to face wash.
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Deborah C.
Great product
I love these cleansing clothes. I feel like I'm doing the absolute healthy thing for my face using these muslin cleansing clothes. They are slightly exfoliating. I use with my favorite face cleanser.
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Fine texture
The texture of this cloth is perfect and works well.
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Jennifer K.
Love them!
Love these clothes! Amazing when paired with the cleanser!
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Paulette W.
Feels wonderful
Perfect size and a wonderful material to clean my face while removing cleanser.
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Retired my heavy terry washcloths that become musty so quickly. A perpetual laundry chore eliminated.
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Damary W.
Awesome cloths
I love using these Muslim cloths . They leave your skin soft and feeling so clean.
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Michelle L.
Favorite Facial Cloth
I have tried several other types, you know, the ones that were hyped over on YouTube during the pandemic; good old fashioned face flannels etc but I always come back to these muslin cloths from EL. Maybe its something about the whole ritual or maybe its the way the cleanser moves on my face with the cloth, but whatever it is, these are the face cloths I'm sticking with from now on.
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karen m.
Gentle exfoliant
These are great for gently exfoliating your face after cleansing.
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Mindy W.
Best cloth I have used for face- gentle yet gets all eye markup off. Dries quickly as well
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Traci E.
Wonderful Tool
These cloths along with the cleanser give me the perfect clean. I have oily, sensitive skin and this is all I use in the evening before my tretinoin.
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Sandria A.
Great product
I love these clothes. When they are warmed, it gives my skin an exfoliation.
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Great Cleansing Cloth
I love the mild exfoliating that muslin has. Love that it dries so quickly!! I received a sample cleanser recently along with a smaller version of this cloth. PLEASE consider selling this smaller size!! I usually cut the large ones in 3 pieces (just use for face). I would love that 🥰
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Indiferent de varsta, tipul de piele sau nevoia lui, demachierea este fundamentala pentru a avea o piele luminoasa. Credem cu tarie ca pielea perfect curata si delicat exfoliata permite obtinerea rezultatelor dorite privind produsele de ingrijire folosite. Cu mai mult de 25 de ani de experienta, folosim ingrediente botanice de inalta calitate pe care ni le-a oferit natura, pe care le combinam cu stiinta.

eve lom
Muslin Cleansing Cloth - Lavete demachiante bumbac
I use my Eve Lom muslin cloth at night with my Eve Lom cleansing balm. I love how it really takes all the product off with a single swipe and how it washes the grime away under a running tap so I can reuse it a second time and feel it's still clean!
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