PoshPeel Pedicure - Masca exfolianta pentru picioare

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Acest produs exfoliaza si hidrateaza picioarele intr-o maniera progresiva. Intr-o singura ora elimina pielea moarta si inmoaie calusurile.
Cum se foloseste?
-Toarna continutul esentei activatoare intr-o masca pentru picioare si repartizeaza continutul in interiorul captuselii din bumbac. -Pune piciorul in interiorul sosetei si sigileaz-o cu ajutorul clemei. Repeta operatiunea cu celalalt picior. -Lasa masca sa actioneze 60 de minute (pana la 90 de minute, daca se doreste o exfoliere intensa). -Indeparteaza sosetele, spaland picioarele cu apa calduta. Peeling-ul progresiv va avea loc in 3-7 zile. - Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Instructiuni de siguranta
- Descriere
- Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Instructiuni de siguranta
Cum se foloseste?
-Toarna continutul esentei activatoare intr-o masca pentru picioare si repartizeaza continutul in interiorul captuselii din bumbac. -Pune piciorul in interiorul sosetei si sigileaz-o cu ajutorul clemei. Repeta operatiunea cu celalalt picior. -Lasa masca sa actioneze 60 de minute (pana la 90 de minute, daca se doreste o exfoliere intensa). -Indeparteaza sosetele, spaland picioarele cu apa calduta. Peeling-ul progresiv va avea loc in 3-7 zile.
Cum se folosesc?
- Toarna continutul de esenta activatoare intr-una dintre mastile servetel pentru picioare. Distribuie produsul in intreaga masca din bumbac .
- Introdu apoi un picior, apoi inchide masca cu ajutorul benzii atasate. â Repeta actiunea cu celalalt picior .
- De purtat timp de o ora (sau 1h30 pentru o exfoliere suplimentara daca doresti astfel ).
- Indeparteaza sosetele din servetel, clateste picioarele, apoi sterge-le bine .
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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311 recenzii
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311 recenzii
Danielle G.
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Dalene O.
Soft feet
I love how soft my feet are after I do a foot peel.
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Sarah L.
Ineffective and disappointing
Both my sister and I used the product together. We followed all the instructions down to every detail, during and after use. Two weeks later and still no peeling for either of us and my feet feel rougher than before.
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Del G.
Feet like new
I tried the Posh peel pedicure and wow, what an amazing difference! I get regular pedicures at the nail salon and also perform pedi's at home but I have not had results like I did with the posh peel pedicure. For the first week or so after using the posh peel I didn't really notice any difference. But after about a week I woke up one morning and my feet were peeling like crazy. It took about a week for all the peeling skin to finally slough off and I did warm foot soaks at night to help the loose skin fall away. The result was that my feet were like baby new. I did not realize how much dead skin I had on my feet. Definitely going to make this product a regular part of my pedi routine.
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Rehnita R.
Buy it!
I use these a few times a year, especially during cold months. Better than a pedicure.
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Melissa S.
Feels great
Feels great and does the job. May be a little over priced but if they are on sale I would definitely buy them to try it out.
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Shelley A.
Love how they after the peeling my feet are so smooth!😁
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Joshsalyn E.
I’m impressed
This is my first time trying a foot peel. I kept my feet in the socks like directed. I was a little skeptical because I didn’t see anything happening. After almost a week I started to notice some peeling. I almost forgot I put the socks on. I’m still in my peeling process so I hope this works for me feet.
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Desislava B.
Better than a pedicure at the salon
This treatment is very effective at making your feet super soft. It does take about a week to 10 days to see the effect but then it last for months.
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Amanda A.
Works like magic
Be prepared for dry feet once you use it.. moisturize a lot after.. It is 100% worth it because your feet will feel good as new in 2 weeks!
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Gabino H.
Love love!
Have yet to use it but have in the past, makes a great gift.
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Susan A.
Smooth feet
It takes a while to work but my rough skin is coming off. I thought it would be painful but it wasn’t. Great product!
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Paula R.
Really works
It took about 3 weeks to see full results. Must soak feet in Hot water a couple times to help with peeling. Then use the moisturizer socks. Perfection
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Wynter L G.
Foot mask
Definitely recommend this product works great and will have you feet feeling brand new!
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Patchology a fost creat de la ideea ca modul de eliberare a ingredientelor unui produs de ingrijire in piele poate schimba totul. Cu mai mult de 10 ani in urma, echipa fondatoare a inceput sa dezvolte texnologia plasturelui pentru domeniul medical. Astazi, brandul continua sa extinda aceasta expertiza pentru a crea produse ce lucreaza mai rapid pe zonele vizate. Patchology creeaza produse care iti respecta programul, fara a-ti incetini ritmul si fara a-ti lua din timpul liber, avand nevoie de doar 5 minute. Indiferent de ritmul tau zilnic, aceste produse nu numai ca isi respecta promisiunile, dar iti respecta si viata.
Inspiratia marcii Patchology este: "frumusete in functie de ritmul tau".

PoshPeel Pedicure - Masca exfolianta pentru picioare
A whole new sole
This foot mask gives you that super satisfying peel with an end result so smooth- I highly recommend!!!
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Recenzie postată iniţial pe patchology