1 Million Elixir

4.7 1.332 recenzii
1 Million Elixir
Descopera 1 Million Elixir de la Paco Rabanne, aflat in topul absolut al intensitatii 1 Million, un ... Afla mai multe

545,00 Lei (1)
1.090,00 Lei / 100ml

In Programul de Fidelitate Sephora, 1 leu = 1 punct. La fiecare 650 de puncte sau 4 zile de cumparaturi, bucura-te de o reducere de 10% la urmatoarea achizitie.

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

*Oferta exclusiva in SEPHORA APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 17/03/25-31/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu cu cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica pentru achizitia cardurilor cadou.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 14/03/25-10/04/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect.

  • Descriere

    Descopera 1 Million Elixir de la Paco Rabanne, aflat in topul absolut al intensitatii 1 Million, un nou parfum nascut din aspiratia pentru calitatea suprema. Mai bogat ca niciodata, pentru senzatii palpitante. Ingredientele alese manual, trandafirul turcesc Damascena, Osmanthus si semintele de tonka salbatic, fac din aceasta compozitie o capodopera ce iese in evidenta prin calitatea extrema a materiilor prime. Davana profund senzuala si licoroasa vibreaza cu puterea lemnului neted si a semintelor de vanilie neagra. Senzualitatea suprema intalneste puterea absoluta a intensitatii.

    Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

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  • Note olfactive

  • Descriere
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  • Ingrediente
  • Note olfactive

Descopera 1 Million Elixir de la Paco Rabanne, aflat in topul absolut al intensitatii 1 Million, un nou parfum nascut din aspiratia pentru calitatea suprema. Mai bogat ca niciodata, pentru senzatii palpitante. Ingredientele alese manual, trandafirul turcesc Damascena, Osmanthus si semintele de tonka salbatic, fac din aceasta compozitie o capodopera ce iese in evidenta prin calitatea extrema a materiilor prime. Davana profund senzuala si licoroasa vibreaza cu puterea lemnului neted si a semintelor de vanilie neagra. Senzualitatea suprema intalneste puterea absoluta a intensitatii.

Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

Se pulverizeaza pe gat si incheietura mainii.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

mar Davana, rosa damascena, Osmathus, cedru, vanilie absolut, tonka, patchouli

Recenziile clienților
1.332 recenzii
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1.332 recenzii
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Cumpărător verificat

Great smell.

Got this for my husband and love how it smells on him

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Cumpărător verificat

Perfume original e desconto, só assim para comprar

Vou entregar no dia de Natal. Espero que ele goste e use em momentos felizes abençoados por Deus.

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Recomandă acest produs: Da

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Recenzii de testeri

Loved my fragrance

I really loved the scent. Very masculine but not overpowering. It looks and feels nice. Definitely worth the price. The shape of the bottle definitely makes it even cooler

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Recenzii de testeri

Great for winter

Great fragrance for the cooler weather, one of the more unique 1million flankers. Definitely recommend giving this a go over some of the other fragrances out there

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Recenzii de testeri

Modern update for a classic scent

Classic 1 Million DNA with added hint of fruity and floral notes. Still extremely vanilla heavy with the tonka base. Not my thing but could be appealing to some.

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Recenzii de testeri

Great Masculine Fragrance

1 Million Elixir is a strong masculine scent with vanilla notes. The only thing is I had to reapply it periodically other than that. It's great! I'd definitely recommend it.

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Recenzie spontana fara confirmare de cumparare


I tried it in store and loved it so I decided to buy me but not that I have it,it smells like alcohol I think the bottle went bad or something and I just got it like 2 weeks ago and have been storing it in its original box.really disappointed

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Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA

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Recenzii de testeri

Luxurious floral with warm undertones.

“Rabanne 1 Million Elixir Damascena Rose, Osmanthus Flower, and Tonka Beans” is a luxurious fragrance that embodies elegance and sophistication. From the esteemed Paco Rabanne house, this scent is a modern interpretation of classic floral and oriental notes, creating a captivating and memorable olfactory experience. The fragrance opens with the intoxicating aroma of Damascena rose, a rich and velvety scent that immediately enchants the senses. This floral note is complemented by the sweet and fruity essence of Osmanthus flower, adding a touch of exoticism and allure to the composition. As the fragrance develops, the warm and comforting base note of tonka beans emerges, imparting a sensual and inviting undertone to the scent.

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Recenzii de testeri

Smells good

Has a strong smell that is very pleasant. My girlfriend said it smelled good as well. Wish it would last a little longer though. That's my only negative.

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Recenzii de testeri

Super million elixir

I'm a man who loves Paco Rabanne 1 Million Elixir. It's a sophisticated, yet sexy scent that I feel confident wearing. The opening notes of bergamot, grapefruit, and mandarin orange are invigorating and refreshing. The heart notes of lavender, geranium, and jasmine are warm and inviting. And the base notes of amber, patchouli, and vanilla are rich and luxurious. I think 1 Million Elixir is perfect for a night out on the town. It's the perfect fragrance to make a statement and turn heads. But I also like to wear it for special occasions, like weddings or dates. It's a versatile fragrance that can be dressed up or down. I would definitely recommend 1 Million Elixir to other men. It's a great fragrance that will make you feel confident and attractive.

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I received a sample of this product for testing and reviewing purposes. I was pleasantly surprised by this fragrance as I’ve never used anything from this brand. It was a great masculine spicy scent!

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Recenzii de testeri

Not the worst, not the best

The smell of this fragrance just wasn't for me. Not to say that it was bad, just didn't the scent notes that i typically enjoy. For the right person, im sure it would be amazing.

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Recenzii de testeri

Sweet, great for cold weather.

Overall a great vanilla fragrance with a lot of sweetness. Not necessarily unique but great staying power and a very good scent bubble in cold weather.

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Recenzii de testeri

A deliciously sweet, fruity vanilla fragrance.

I love the original 1 Million and the newer Elixir does not disappoint. It is a very sweet, slightly woody, vanilla with a touch of apple. Very modern and pleasant. A little young leaning, but honestly anyone could pull it off.

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Rabanne este un brand de lux, ce ofera produse de beauty pentru persoanele care doresc sa se bucure de cele mai frumoase momente din viata lor, intr-un stil elegant si aparte. Sephora.ro pune la dispozitie clientilor parfumuri si produse cosmetice atat pentru doamne cat si pentru domni. De Casa Rabanne apartin parfumuri best seller, precum colectia Invictus si Olympéa, un duo potrivit pentru femeile senzuale si pentru barbatii puternici, cu arome lemnoase si florale. Totodata, Lady Million si 1 Million sunt, de asemenea, un duo excelent pentru persoanele curajoase si gata de aventura. Noile linii Phantom si Fame ofera o optiune si in acelasi timp, o perspectiva noua, inovatoare. Rabanne este din topul brandurilor de parfumurie. Cu aceeasi notorietate, produsele de ingrijire a corpului, precum deodorantele, gelurile de dus sunt foarte indragite. Paco Rabanne este considerat un revolutionar al modei si parfumerie, prin arome originale si speciale pe care le ofera clientilor sai. Este un brand cu istorie care a sfidat parfumeria traditionala, introducand arome si esente puternice, extravagante si moderne. Paco Rabanne, spaniol la origine, s-a mutat in Franta unde si-a inceput minunata cariera fashion, de accesorii si parfumerie de avangarda, creand produse inovatoare. Alege cele mai bune parfumuri Rabanne si simte-te intotdeauna elegant si unic.