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Descopera cel mai nou parfum semnat Paco Rabanne : 1 Million Royal. O apa de parfum lemnoasa, aromatica, cu note de varf de mandarina, bergamota, cardamon, note de mijloc de frunze de violeta, lavanda, salvie si note de baza de benzoin, lemn de cedru si patchouli. Alimentat de increderea ta interioara, intra in regatul 1 Million Royal cu parfumul suprem creat pentru tine de Paco Rabanne. Neconstrans de conventii, gaseste libertatea de a trai dupa propriile reguli cu 1 Million Royal: un parfum fresh, proaspat, cu note de lemn extravagant, care se ciocnesc cu o senzualitate distinctiva pentru a dezlantui ceea ce te face unic. Legenda renaste cu un amestec neasteptat de lavanda energizanta, lemn vibrant de cedru si benzoin senzual, pentru un parfum la fel de sfidator ca tine. Revendica scena ! Tu esti regele.Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
- Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Note olfactive
Descopera cel mai nou parfum semnat Paco Rabanne : 1 Million Royal. O apa de parfum lemnoasa, aromatica, cu note de varf de mandarina, bergamota, cardamon, note de mijloc de frunze de violeta, lavanda, salvie si note de baza de benzoin, lemn de cedru si patchouli. Alimentat de increderea ta interioara, intra in regatul 1 Million Royal cu parfumul suprem creat pentru tine de Paco Rabanne. Neconstrans de conventii, gaseste libertatea de a trai dupa propriile reguli cu 1 Million Royal: un parfum fresh, proaspat, cu note de lemn extravagant, care se ciocnesc cu o senzualitate distinctiva pentru a dezlantui ceea ce te face unic. Legenda renaste cu un amestec neasteptat de lavanda energizanta, lemn vibrant de cedru si benzoin senzual, pentru un parfum la fel de sfidator ca tine. Revendica scena ! Tu esti regele.
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Se pulverizeaza pe gat si incheietura mainii.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
- Aromatic
- Ambra
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676 recenzii
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Smells good
Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
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I've received a sample to test. I gave it to my very picky husband and he was impressed. We both loved the scent on him and i could even smell it the following day.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Amazing scents
The scent is really long lasting and everyone keeps asking about it
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 25 și 34
A solid cologne
The cologne I purchased certainly has its merits, but it leans on the sweeter side, which doesn't quite align with my preferred masculine fragrance profile. It does have a unique and pleasant scent, and I appreciate the longevity of the fragrance, which lasts throughout the day. The quality of the cologne is evident, and the packaging is sleek and appealing. However, I would have preferred a more traditionally masculine or woody scent. That said, it has garnered positive comments from those around me, so it's still a solid choice for those who appreciate sweeter fragrances. While it may not be my personal favorite, it's undoubtedly a well-crafted cologne.
Recomandă acest produs: Da
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA
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Big Bill
Genul: Barbati
Smells good
I received this sample and it has a pleasant fragrance that is not too strong which I have a problem with a strong smell. Don't want to take someone's breath away when I walk by. I will get more in the future.
Recomandă acest produs: Da
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA
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1 million royal
Never a dull moment when it comes to paco rabanne! Great fragrance with a long lasting smell.highly recommend this fragrance to everyone
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Smells GOOD...
I'm normally not a person who wears cologne and such but this stuff smells too good not to wear. Smells good but it's strong, a little goes a long way. It's a bit pricey but definitely worth it. Would buy again.
Recomandă acest produs: Da
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA
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Ms Snezha
A deep, captivating fragrance that fills every breath. Sensual delight for the senses.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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I adore this brand! This perfume is amazing. Will definitely recommend and buy xx
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Smells absolutely elegant, it us long lasting yet not too over powering. Highly recommended
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Warm and sexy
Love the notes on this fragrance - a sexy, woody blend of lavender, cedarwood and cardamom. It's great for winter.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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My new favorite
I absolutely adore anything this brand puts out. The smell is fantastic yet not overpowering. It has a long lasting scent that I could still smell after a night on the town. It smells more natural vs chemically than other similar products on the market.
Recomandă acest produs: Da
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA
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Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 45 și 54
This Million Royal Parfum ismells amazing. It is a bit strong at first but when it wears down it smells so good. And not to mention, it lasts all day long into the night. I really love it and yes I would highly recommend.
Recomandă acest produs: Da
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA
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best perfume
I read many good reviews of this perfume so I decided to purchase this for myself. Soon as I wore this I had many good compliments and now even my friends has purchased this.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne
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Rabanne este un brand de lux, ce ofera produse de beauty pentru persoanele care doresc sa se bucure de cele mai frumoase momente din viata lor, intr-un stil elegant si aparte. pune la dispozitie clientilor parfumuri si produse cosmetice atat pentru doamne cat si pentru domni. De Casa Rabanne apartin parfumuri best seller, precum colectia Invictus si Olympéa, un duo potrivit pentru femeile senzuale si pentru barbatii puternici, cu arome lemnoase si florale. Totodata, Lady Million si 1 Million sunt, de asemenea, un duo excelent pentru persoanele curajoase si gata de aventura. Noile linii Phantom si Fame ofera o optiune si in acelasi timp, o perspectiva noua, inovatoare. Rabanne este din topul brandurilor de parfumurie. Cu aceeasi notorietate, produsele de ingrijire a corpului, precum deodorantele, gelurile de dus sunt foarte indragite. Paco Rabanne este considerat un revolutionar al modei si parfumerie, prin arome originale si speciale pe care le ofera clientilor sai. Este un brand cu istorie care a sfidat parfumeria traditionala, introducand arome si esente puternice, extravagante si moderne. Paco Rabanne, spaniol la origine, s-a mutat in Franta unde si-a inceput minunata cariera fashion, de accesorii si parfumerie de avangarda, creand produse inovatoare. Alege cele mai bune parfumuri Rabanne si simte-te intotdeauna elegant si unic.
Smells very expensive
The 1 Million Royal Parfum has a nice light fragrant to it. It is not too heavy when sprayed and seems to last for a good amount of time. The smell does start to fade throughout the day but lasts long enough to know you are wearing something. Smells great as well
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Rabanne USA