Absolus Allegoria Cuir Intense - Eau de Parfum

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Colecția de parfumuri Allegoria celebrează minunile lumii. Fiecare creație aduce un omagiu frumuseții naturii și ne poartă într-o călătorie de descoperire a unor materii prime și note excepționale, valorificate de către parfumierii noștri exploratori.Descoperiți Cuir Intense, puterea pielii care își dezvăluie contrastele în taina nopții. Cedrul, lemnul de santal și notele de tutun îi subliniază cele mai întunecate accente, în timp ce osmanthus îl desăvârșește.„Am vrut să explorez toate fațetele pielii, forța, delicatețea și senzualitatea sa. Și toate acestea în cadrul unei creații care se joacă cu contrastele, lumina și umbrele.” - Thierry Wasser, Maestru parfumier GuerlainAbsolus Allegoria, colecția de parfumuri absolute, este o călătorie fermecătoare și misterioasă în inima minunilor lumii odată cu căderea nopții: parfumuri care celebrează natura profundă și puternică, dezvăluită prin contraste spectaculoase de lumina lunii.Un simbol al angajamentului Guerlain față de planetă, parfumurile Absolus Allegoria conțin mai mult de 90% ingrediente de origine naturală*. Alcoolul din sfecla roșie franceză utilizat în formulele lor provine dintr-o rețea dedicată agriculturii responsabile.Cuir Intense vine în sticla emblematică a colecției Allegoria, care este fabricată în Franța folosind 15% sticlă reciclată. Cu o pompă de pulverizare detașabilă și un lac transparent, aceasta poate fi ușor reciclată.*în conformitate cu ISO 16128, calculul include apa.
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- Note olfactive
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- Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Instructiuni de siguranta
- Note olfactive
Creați-vă propriul parfum emblematic prin combinarea Cuir Intense cu Santal Royal, Florabloom Forte, Nerolia Vetiver sau Flora Salvaggia. Pentru concentrația ideală de parfum, alegeți combinația preferată din colecție și pulverizați în cantități egale.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
Notă de piele, Osmanthus, Cedru
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16 recenzii
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16 recenzii
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Extremely overpowering husky scent
The husky tobacco touch is overdone, making it unpleasant. I would only use this for specia orl one off events such as a formal meeting or a party.
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Woody, musky cologne
Initially, I was a bit unsure of the scent of this cologne. I really like a leather-type scented cologne, which this does have. However, my initial reaction was that of surprise as there were some other significant odours, such as sandalwood and tobacco, and almost an antiseptic undertone. As I say was a little unsure about the tobacco scent I didn’t really like initially; however, after a few days of wearing this cologne, I’ve actually changed my mind, and I’m enjoying the range of different scents! It’s pretty strong compared to other colognes I’ve tried, which can only be a good thing as you don’t need much of it! If you like a strong odour cologne and you’re a fan of earthy, woody, musky scents, then definitely give it a whirl; It is unusual but good unusual, and the bottle is really cool!
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Very nice leather fragrance
I was very impressed with this perfume, not being normally a leather scent lover but as I was given this to test I thought I would give it a go. It is beautiful, an elegant leather not a stinky one. Most leather perfumes can smell rather old or I don’t know how to say it but not this one. It’s a nice blend, felt a bit of oud too. I don’t know if it does have oud in its notes, perhaps not but that was how it felt to me. It’s a lovely mix, that got me compliments and can be worn by both women and men. Sillage and projection are very good, it lasts hours on my skin but I had to be careful and only sprayed two puffs as it is quite strong and it can be overpowering for some of my colleagues if sprayed too much. But I was happy with the result and the experience and would recommend it to anyone that likes leather notes or not. Packaging is lovely, looks elegant and I love the gold bee details and honeycomb on the bottle, makes it a bit more unisex. Definitely a good choice, thank you Influenster for the opportunity.
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If you like a tobacco in your fragrance, this one's for you
I was so excited to receive this perfume for a test as I love to try new fragrances. I was really impressed with the packaging, it comes in a beautiful bottle that would look great among all high-end fragrances. I was a little worried about the scent profile as tobacco was listed among cedar, sandalwood, and musk. Unfortunately, for me, the tobacco is extremely overpowering. I get hints of cedar and sandalwood upon first application, but it dries down to just tobacco and little else. Its longevity is impressive, I could still detect this fragrance on my skin 4/5 days later. it's great if you actually enjoy the scent, not so much if you dont.
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Cuir Intense unisex perfume
Cuir Intense is a unisex perfume with strong masculine leather scent on first spray which settles into a more gentle musky scent with fruit undertones. Expensive looking packaging opens to a gorgeous bottle which looks grand on any dressing table. This is a great product for the unisex market, for those who enjoy a quality perfume that lasts for hours without being too strong and overpowering.
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Elegant high end scent
Really elegant scent, it says unisex but I would say it is slightly more of a masculine scent, I love the smell of leather so it’s a good choice if you do too and if you are looking for a higher end perfume with beautiful packaging that matches it’s price point then I’d recommend it
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Almost too strong. This has a very strong leather note, with a lightly spicy woody scent as well. Not the most wearable perfume but nice as something different for cooler months. Lasts well on.
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A Luxurious woody fragrance.
A beautiful fragrance with floral, woody and sweet notes that is sophisticated, warm and very sexy. This scent is for those who want to feel powerful, yet effortlessly chic. First Spritz- At first you get floral and fruity notes of osmanthus and Ylang Ylang that gives it a playful and pleasant vibe. As it settles, leather and soft musk take over, leaving a warm sensual feel that luxurious with edgy feel. Dry down - Finally the fragrance becomes deeper and more earthy, with a blend of cedarwood, sandalwood, and tobacco, bringing in a smoky, woody finish. Overall it’s a beautiful scent that is long lasting and will definitely get you compliments anywhere you pass by.
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Long lasting
Absolus allegoria cure Intense guerlain paris- Eau de Parfum I received this perfume to test for influenster to give my honest review The bottle is 125ml The scent smell is Cedar, sandalwood, and tobacco notes underscore its darkest accents The packaging was well packed and undamaged, the bottles itself is lovely. This perfume is very, very strong, so a little spray goes a long way, and it lasts all day. I have had a lot of comments when wearing, and I would advise anyone to give it a try
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Leather and dark notes
This perfume is for someone who likes unisex perfumes, leather, cedar, sandalwood and tobacco notes underscore. It's dramatic, strong, and powerful. Design for a very confident and intimidating attitude. Beautiful, elegant and luxurious packing.
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Powerful scent with a beautiful bottle
The bottle design is beautiful and looks elegant and expensive on my night stand. It is a generous sized bottle. The scent is unique with undertones of violet. I would suggest that the fragrance is aimed at an older lady due to its floral scent. The perfume is incredibly long lasting and a few sprays goes a long way!
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Lovely decorative bottle
The packaging was very well designed and the bottle was lovely and will make a lovely decorative piece. However I’m sure the other scents are lovely but this one was definitely not for me personally but if you like a long lasting smell of leather smell it’s definitely for you. I tried it and the smell definitely lasted for a very long time
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Beautiful long lasting scent with an amazing decor
Upon first seeing this perfume I was very much impressed with its packaging. Opening it up and seeing the bottle I was stunned by its design. It’s such a beautiful bottle. We then proceeded to check it scent and to also see how long it would last for before the scent wore off. The scent is s such a beautiful rich leathery smell. This latest throughout the day and still smells beautiful on my coat I sprayed it on. Wouldn’t argue to buy this perfume, it’s a long lasting beautiful rich scent.
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Din 1828, Guerlain a explorat, inovat și perfectionat in arta crearii parfumurilor, produselor destinate ingrijirii pielii si machiajului. Creatori indrazneti, creatii legendare, know-how atemporal. Cultura frumusetii reprezinta semnatura proprie.
Echipele noastre, „exploratori prin natura”, imbina in fiecare zi luxul si dezvoltarea durabila. In numele frumusetii clientilor nostri, in numele frumusetii creatiilor noastre, in numele frumusetii planetei.

Absolus Allegoria Cuir Intense - Eau de Parfum
Bold and unforgettable 🌿🌪️🌚
Wow! This is not a fragrance that I would have chosen off the shelf, but it truly surprised me. The notes of leather, musk and sandalwood create a bold, unmistakable scent that is luxurious and leaves you smelling expensive. It is extremely strong to me and only required one spray to last hours. The bottle and spray cap are really well made and add to that high quality experience. I would describe this scent as unisex but as it is so leathery (I usually wear lighter florals), I ultimately shared it with a male relative who loves bold, powerful scents. He was thrilled with it and I am now exploring the other scents Guerlain has to offer. If you like long lasting, opulent scents this one is definitely worth trying.
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