Allegra Passeggiata - Eau de Parfum

4.5 33 recenzii
Allegra Passeggiata - Eau de Parfum
BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passegiata te invita la o plimbare incantatoare prin oras. Inima parfumului radiaza ... Afla mai multe

840,00 Lei (1)
1.680,00 Lei / 100ml

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

  • Descriere
    BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passegiata te invita la o plimbare incantatoare prin oras. Inima parfumului radiaza prin acordurile extravagante ale unei flori extraordinare, care infloreste dimineata si seara: ylang-ylang. Treptat, aerul serii devine melancolic, tandru si reconfortant precum nuantele lemnoase ale BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passeggiata, care exprima fateta florala si fluida a aromelor de mosc, semnatura casei Bvlgari. Mai mult decat un moment de relaxare, BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passeggiata este o promisiune a unei seri memorabile si o oda exuberanta a vietii. Experienta ta parfumata personalizata incepe aici. Alege apa de parfum care se potriveste sufletului tau si creeaza o semnatura unica, cu ajutorul esentei MAGNIFYING preferate, #MagnifyForMore.
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  • Note olfactive

  • Descriere
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  • Ingrediente
  • Note olfactive

BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passegiata te invita la o plimbare incantatoare prin oras. Inima parfumului radiaza prin acordurile extravagante ale unei flori extraordinare, care infloreste dimineata si seara: ylang-ylang. Treptat, aerul serii devine melancolic, tandru si reconfortant precum nuantele lemnoase ale BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passeggiata, care exprima fateta florala si fluida a aromelor de mosc, semnatura casei Bvlgari. Mai mult decat un moment de relaxare, BVLGARI ALLEGRA Passeggiata este o promisiune a unei seri memorabile si o oda exuberanta a vietii. Experienta ta parfumata personalizata incepe aici. Alege apa de parfum care se potriveste sufletului tau si creeaza o semnatura unica, cu ajutorul esentei MAGNIFYING preferate, #MagnifyForMore.

A se pulveriza pe zonele intens vascularizate, precum gatul sau incheieturile bratelor.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

esenta de Ylang Ylang, mosc

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33 recenzii
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Recenzii de testeri

Vibrant floral musk

This is stunning from start to finish from its bright cool bottle design to its sunny floral musk scent. There’s a floral scent right away enveloped in hints of musk which work together creating a beautiful vibrant scent reminding me spring summer. I haven’t tried many fragrances with ylang-ylang flower, must say it is simply beautiful.

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This perfume is one that you do not need too much of for its scent to stick, and it has good longevity. It is a pleasant scent, and you only need a couple of sprays, but I am not convinced that it is worth the price it sells for, but that may just be as it is not my usual taste. The packaging is nice, and I really like the bottle it comes in. I would prefer, however, to stick with my usual scents that I use.

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Recenzii de testeri

Gorgeous feminine fragrance!

The packaging of this product is very colourful and unusual. I was excited to try this as I hadn’t used this brand before. The first impressions I got from this scent was quite a floral fragrance with a musky scent which gave an expensive feel to it. It’s definitely a feminine type of fragrance and I did get some lovely compliments when wearing this product. I would say the scent is quite long lasting and made it through an evening without me needing to reapply. Overall I would say you could wear this as an everyday perfume or save it for special events!

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Fun packaging but not my favourite scent

This perfume provides an elegant floral scent with a hint of musk. I feel it is more of a Spring/ Summer fragrance. The scent isn’t very long lasting and is a good light everyday scent. My partner wasn’t as keen on this fragrance as he is with my other perfumes, but he has said that it has grown on him the more I wear it. In terms of value for money, the retail price of this is more than I would pay for this type of scent.

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Recenzii de testeri

Gorgeous perfume

This perfume is lovely to wear. The scent lasts all day (I usually do 4 or 5 squirts). The packing keeps it worth the price tag, my daughter loves calling it my "sweet perfume". The floral in it isn't too strong of a scent, but enough to be able to smell all through the day.

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This scent is absolutely gorgeous and quite different to any others I’ve tried previously. The balance of floral and musk is absolutely spot on for me. Initially with the first sunny floral notes it seems a summery scent, but then sophisticated musky notes hit, making wearable all year round and transitioning perfectly from day into night. The scent is long lasting too, still picking it up at the end of the day and long into the evening.

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Recenzii de testeri

floral musk!

Lovely clean floral musk with a key note of ylang ylang. Perfect fragrance for spring/summer, easy to wear and an inoffensive scent. Projection's okay but could be longer before fading to a skin scent. A lovely perfume but not my favourite!

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Recenzii de testeri

Not worth the luxury price point

The bottle is absolutely beautiful and I love the colours. The scent starts off strong with powerful florals and then the musky and sweet citrusy scents come through leaving a lovely fragrance. But for a luxury priced product I was left disappointed at it’s lasting power, after only a couple of hours I couldn’t detect any scent and at this price point I would expect it to last all day. I even asked others later in the day if they could smell it in case I had gone nose blind but they couldn’t smell it either. I have other brands with a cheaper price point that I can still detect on my clothes the next day so that left me disappointed, shame as it does have a lovely feminine scent

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The scent of this is absolutely beautiful. The bottle it comes in is a beautiful sweety type bottle. Look very lavish on the mantle. I can't smell it on myself after a while which means it's very good perfume. Would definitely recommend.

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Recenzii de testeri

A beautiful scent that lasts all day

This fragrance is pure luxury in a bottle. From the first spray, it feels rich and elegant, with a beautiful floral scent that is soft yet unforgettable. There’s a warm, musky touch to it that makes it feel so sophisticated, perfect for any occasion! There’s best part is it last all day! You don’t need to reapply and the scent stays with you just the right amount- never too strong but enough to get compliments wherever you go. Yes, it is a splurge, but it feels so special and worth it.

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Great packaging, like a sweet!

The packaging is quite unique for this perfume, it resembles a sweet to me which increases the appeal. The amount that comes out with each spray is enough for the scent to fully cling to whichever part of your body you're spraying on. I can't quite detect what the scent is, maybe I'm just not good at that, but it's not overly feminine so I wouldn't so out and purchase again.

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Recenzii de testeri

Light floral sweet scent

I was very excited to received this. The bottle is a beautiful vibrant design which displayed lovely on dressing table. The scent was floral and subtle so not over powering. I got compliments wearing this fragrance. Unfortunately the scent didn’t last all day so had to reapply. Would recommend this perfume if like light perfumes.

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Lovely fruity scent

Lovely fruity scent, reminds me of a limited edition scent I had when I was younger, but a more mature version. Packaging is cute and would happily display on my dresser, also very strong and sturdy. Scent lasts a long time. A lovely everyday scent good for day and evening

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Lovely scent and lasts

This perfume has a nice clean scent with afternotes that are floral. I like that the perfume lasts and you can still smell it hours later! Whilst expensive I think this would last you a while as you only need to use it sparingly.

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Parfumurile BVLGARI, nascute la confluenta dintre bijuterie si parfumerie, sunt expresia elegantei mediteraneene contemporane.
Bijutierul-Parfumier modeleaza bijuteriile naturii strabatand intreaga lume si inspirandu-se din diversitatea acesteia, pentru a oferi parfumuri unice, elaborate de cei mai admirati Maitres-Parfumeurs din lume.