Amazonian Clay Smooth Operator™ - Pudra de finisare
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*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 09/01/25-22/01/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online.
Pudra libera de fixare cu finisaj de netezire natural Pudra libera de finisare estompeaza si fixeaza machiajul pentru o durabilitate de 24 de ore fara luciu! Aceasta pudra de fixare atenueaza aspectul porilor si liniilor fine pentru un finisaj neted, care diminueaza imperfectiunile. Nuanta translucida universala nu reflecta lumina. Este maruntita fin pentru un look si o senzatie usoara. Formula fara uscare se simte confortabil si nu incarca pielea datorita compusului Amazonian clay care controleaza excesul de sebum. Amazonian clay: cel mai perfect ingredient al naturii pentru o durabilitate sporita, mai lunga si mai veritabila
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- Ingrediente
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- Mod de utilizare
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- Ingrediente
Cu o pensula moale de pudra, pudrati cu grija pudra de finisare de-a lungul fruntii, in jos pe nas si de-a lungul altor zone, in functie de necesitati, pentru a reduce luciul si a fixa machiajul.
fixeaza fondul de ten si controleaza luciul timp de 24 de ore 100 % au spus ca nu s-a acumulat in liniile fine sau riduri 100 % au spus ca netezeste textura pielii si se simte usoara * Pe baza unui studiu clinic si a unui test realizat pe un grup reprezentativ de consumatori format din 32 de subiecti
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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Lindsey S.
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Kelley S.
Love that this tones down
Love that this tones down the shine a little bit! Like this finishing powder a lot!
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Jennifer B.
A little goes a long way!
I use this to keep my foundation from “disappearing” over the course of a long day. It also helps to keep mascara from transferring to your under eye area to avoid the raccoon look. It works well and a little bit goes a long way.
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Carolina R.
Reliable Setting powder!
Sets foundation or tinted moisturizer properly and reduced oiliness for a decent amount of time. also reduced the chance of under eye concealer creases really well. Quality for sure!
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Chelsea K.
First time using finishing powder
Don’t dry your skin but help to make your face soft and matte. I will probably buy it again.
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Nina S.
Smooth Operator
Absolutely love this over my Amazonian clay tinted moisturizer! So light it feels like you aren’t wearing anything!
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Alexandra W.
My favorite finishing powder
My go-to powder for about a decade now, depsite having tried other comparable products from other companies. Lightweight, feels good on the skin, and lasts most of the day for me even though my skin can get pretty oily in spots. I will keep buying!
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Karen G.
Makes makeup last
I wish I had found this powder ten years ago! It finishes and sets your makeup making it last much longer than without it!
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I love this setting, Powder; however, I do not need a pretty container. I need more of the product. The new container is much better than the old one that you could not get into to use all of it. The new lid just takes up too much space, causing less of a product. I would prefer just to be able to open it and just have more Powder for the price.
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Ginikachi N.
My FAVORITE setting powder! This
My FAVORITE setting powder! This is the only thing that keeps my face from being an oil slick.
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Amazing Product
It held my full face of makeup in place, even in 116 degree heat!! The rest of me was melting, but not my makeup!! It has a silky-smooth finish, and is non-irritating, unlike others I have used in the past.
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Mindy D.
Love this!!!!
My fave setting powder! This stuff is always in my makeup bag. Keeps me looking shine free and fresh all day!!!!
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A must have!
This is by far the best product Tarte has! It keeps your makeup in place all day long. Perfect for hot and humid days to keep your foundation looking flawless!
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Creates the perfect blur
Doesn’t settle into fine lines and wrinkles! Creates a soft blur.
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In anul 2000, Maurice Kelly, care s-a autodescris ca fiind un "makeup junkie", a incercat sa demonstreze ca glamour-ul poate fi benefic tuturor femeilor, infiintand TARTE in micul sau studio din New York.
Suntem pionieri in folosirea produselor naturale de inalta calitate, iar astazi, formulele castigatoare Tarte si ambalajele eco-chic se comercializeaza in peste 200 de tari, fiind laudate de catre editorii revistelor de frumusete, influenceri si celebritati.
La Tarte, noi credem in eliminarea barierelor de pe taramul frumusetii si in stergerea stereoripurilor. Noi credem in performanta si in naturalete, in creativitate si in puterea ingredientelor.
Noi nu facem niciun compromis cand vine vorba despre ceea ce punem pe piele si voi ar trebui sa faceti acelasi lucru!
Amazonian Clay Smooth Operator™ - Pudra de finisare
I only use this
It’s my favorite setting powder and it smooths my skin so well. It leaves my skin feeling velvety smooth.
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