Aquakenzo Eau De Toilette
*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.
It is their totem, their prime element, their antidote to normality. It is their favorite playground, their passion, better still: their addiction. Water Addicts form a community, and they have finally found their fragrance: AQUA KENZO. The shimmering hues of this very contemporary perfume infuse the very texture of the bottles: sea green for her, cobalt blue for him, to create two blocks of ultra-modern, innovative colors. Revealing them means defying the totem of the Hokusai Wave in its inverted pyramid, the alchemical symbol of water. The down-to-earth will go on their way, Water Addicts will see in it an irresistible invitation to further exalt the extraordinary sensations of water.
- Ingrediente
Inca din 1988, fiecare creatie Kenzo Parfums a reprezentat o invitatie la calatorie, libertate si pasiune pentru culori - elemente atat de indragite de catre Kenzo Takada. O abordare poetica in care senzualitatea diafana si natura sunt reinventate sub forma unor povesti minunate. Zambete suprinzatoare si provocatoare... Cu energia si veselia Kenzo, lumea este mai frumoasa!

Aquakenzo Eau De Toilette