Berry Sorbet Mousse - Spuma parfumata autobronzanta pentru corp

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*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.
Cel mai reprezentativ bronz al nostru, rezistent si natural, este acum disponibil intr-un parfum nou si atragator de fructe de padure proaspete, amestecat cu o nota de trandafir si vanilie calda. Imbogatit cu vitamina E pentru o hidratare de lunga durata si un aspect mai sanatos al pielii, aceasta spuma bronzanta minunat colorata in auriu este usor de aplicat, nu lasa urme si se adapteaza la tonul individual al pielii. Formula multi-premiata a spumei este usoara, neaderenta si infuzata cu Jojoba hidratanta si active de ingrijire a pielii pentru a oferi un bronz care dureaza pana la 10 zile si se estompeaza uniform. Aplica pur si simplu cu manusa noastra de aplicare Luxe Applicator Mitt pentru a amesteca perfect si asteapta ca rezultatele sa se dezvolte timp de 4-8 ore, pentru ca tu sa stralucesti plina de incredere o saptamana intreaga. Cel mai bun pentru cele care se bronzeaza pentru prima data sau pentru rezultate de incredere de fiecare data.
- Medium Golden Tan
- O spuma colorata usor de aplicat, care ghideaza aplicarea pentru a nu rata nici o portiune.
- Usor si cu uscare rapida, fara transfer pe haine sau asternuturi
- Se aplica cu o manusa pentru a estompa perfect si a obtine un finisaj fara dungi si a-ti pastra mainile curate.
- Clateste-te dupa 4-8 ore pentru un bronz auriu natural, care dureaza pana la 10 zile, cu o estompare uniforma.
- Fara miros de autobronzant cu parfumul nostru emblematic care stimuleaza starea de spirit
- Activi de bronzare 100% naturali, curati, vegani si fara cruzime - Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Instructiuni de siguranta
- Note olfactive
- Descriere
- Mod de utilizare
- Ingrediente
- Instructiuni de siguranta
- Note olfactive
Cel mai reprezentativ bronz al nostru, rezistent si natural, este acum disponibil intr-un parfum nou si atragator de fructe de padure proaspete, amestecat cu o nota de trandafir si vanilie calda. Imbogatit cu vitamina E pentru o hidratare de lunga durata si un aspect mai sanatos al pielii, aceasta spuma bronzanta minunat colorata in auriu este usor de aplicat, nu lasa urme si se adapteaza la tonul individual al pielii. Formula multi-premiata a spumei este usoara, neaderenta si infuzata cu Jojoba hidratanta si active de ingrijire a pielii pentru a oferi un bronz care dureaza pana la 10 zile si se estompeaza uniform. Aplica pur si simplu cu manusa noastra de aplicare Luxe Applicator Mitt pentru a amesteca perfect si asteapta ca rezultatele sa se dezvolte timp de 4-8 ore, pentru ca tu sa stralucesti plina de incredere o saptamana intreaga. Cel mai bun pentru cele care se bronzeaza pentru prima data sau pentru rezultate de incredere de fiecare data.
- Medium Golden Tan
- O spuma colorata usor de aplicat, care ghideaza aplicarea pentru a nu rata nici o portiune.
- Usor si cu uscare rapida, fara transfer pe haine sau asternuturi
- Se aplica cu o manusa pentru a estompa perfect si a obtine un finisaj fara dungi si a-ti pastra mainile curate.
- Clateste-te dupa 4-8 ore pentru un bronz auriu natural, care dureaza pana la 10 zile, cu o estompare uniforma.
- Fara miros de autobronzant cu parfumul nostru emblematic care stimuleaza starea de spirit
- Activi de bronzare 100% naturali, curati, vegani si fara cruzime
Pasul 1. PREGATIRE Se exfoliaza si se hidrateaza zonele uscate, mainile, picioarele, gleznele si incheieturile mainilor.
Pasul 2. APLICARE Gliseaza folosind o manusa pentru a te asigura ca nu ratezi nicio portiune
Pasul 3. CLATIRE Lasa sa actioneze timp de 8 ore inainte de a face dus
Pasul 4. STRALUCIRE Bronzul tau se va transforma in 6-8 ore intr-o stralucire aurie medie. Exfoliaza si hidrateaza zilnic pentru a prelungi bronzul.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
Efectueaza un test cutanat cu 24 ore inainte de utilizare. Nu aplica pe o piele cu leziuni sau iritata. In caz de contact cu ochii, clateste cu apa din abundenta. A se evita contactul cu buzele. Autobronzantul poate lasa pete. Spala-te bine pe maini dupa utilizare. A se pastra la o temperatura sub 30°C/ 86°F.
Acest produs nu contine ecran solar si nu protejeaza impotriva arsurilor solare. Orice expunere intensa la soare pe o piele fara protectie solara creste riscul de imbatranire prematura a pielii, de cancer de piele si alte efecte cutanate nefaste, chiar si in absenta arsurilor solare.
Parfum Irezistibil De Sorbet De Fructe De Padure
Note de Varf: Zmeura, Mure, Trandafir
Note de mijloc: Acord de Macaron, Frisca, Flori Albe
Note de Baza: Vanilie, Caramel, Ciocolata
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Bronzer Newbie No More
I have medium dark skin, but always struggle with my legs because they always look ashy. I don’t wear shorts enough :P, I apply leg makeup, but it’s either messy or too much work. Tried this product and I am in love. It gives me a natural sun-kissed glow that I adore. Plus, it’s a breeze to apply, leaves no streaks, and dries fast. Overall, a fantastic product that I highly recommend!
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Heather MIP87
Great tan and amazing scent!
I do not normally write reviews but this product is so amazing that I had to! I’ve used and seen the evolution various self tanners for the past two decades. St. Tropez is always my go-to tanner but this berry sorbet is my new favorite!! I still get the same remarkable tan but with a wonderful scent…raspberry with a hint of vanilla. If you are on the fence…try it…you will love the results!!
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I'm in LOVE!
Finally, a product that is worth its weight in gold. I have used sunless tanners since 1998, and I have tried them all. There was always something wrong with the products. I am very fair skin, blonde, blue eyed, so most sunless tanners look orange on me. This product gives me a gorgeous fake tan that last about four days, which is fine by me. No fake smell at all...even throughout the first day. The only thing I don't like is the guide. I don't need a guide, and this one is all over my pj's and pillow:( Otherwise, I have no complaints and only praises! Please make to not limit this to a special edition fragrance. I need it forever:)
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Fruity Tan
Packaging for product followed nicely for theme. Fragrance is very summery. Tan leave a nice golden tan with easy application.
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Finally a take tan that smells nice, great results easy to apply and doesn’t leave the nasty smell like other products would recommend
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Great fake tan
The smell is not u pleasant like the majority of fake tans I have used as it smells like berries. I loved how it smoothly went on and dried very quickly. I would probably have done another coat the following day to keep the tan up for a few more days which I will be doing next week for a hen do I’m attending.
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Natural and glowy
The smell of the product was really nice and fruity, definitely the best smelling tan I have used. The smell is quite strong, so may be overpowering for others. The product applied really well, far easier than a lot of tans I have used. It took me less than five minutes to tan my whole body. It is also really forgiving so you don’t need to worry about streaks. The tan has a beautiful colour on application and you could wear as is. The tan has a very natural colour and depth, so if you like a much darker and deeper tan this may not be for you. I don’t feel that the product lasted the 10 days but dyed down really naturally over 7 days.
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Varsta: Între 35 și 44
I loved this fake tan. Amazing scent, even coverage, and easy to apply. The scent is pleasant and masks the fake tan smell. I will definitely recommend to friends and family and will buy more when I run out!
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Smells amazing!
The product was really easy to apply and went on really easily. I applies a second application 24 hours later and the product has only started to come off a week later. I would definitely buy this product again.
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Love or hate scent.
I was excited to try the Berry scented tan as I've used their products in the past and rate them highly, and was excited to try something different to usual fake tan especially something with not the usual scent. The mousse itself is lovely to use and applies smoothly. The Berry scent to me was a love or hate kind of scent, I'm still not sure if I like it or not. I applied the product before bed, it was quick and easy. Woke with a golden tan and looked even more natural after showering. I think I will still to normal fake tans instead of scented ones in future though.
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Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Sun kissed
I was pleasantly surprised about the Berry fragrance, it was stronger than I was expecting and made a nice change from the ‘usual’ biscuit smell that self tan has. I normally fake tan just before bed so that it develops overnight and can wash off in the morning. The colour had developed well overnight and once washed off gave me a lovely sun-kissed tan. Application was easy and I found that I had no streaks or dark patches. I would definitely purchase in the future.
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
New favourite
This mouse slides on like water! Super easy to use, easy to notice any missed spots, no streaks, no unpleasant sticky feeling. A lovely natural, radiant colour. Left my bathroom spelling divine!
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Varsta: Între 25 și 34
As a newer tan user…
I found this product to be lovely. I’ve only been using self tan products for a little over a year and this one has been a lot better than some I’ve previously used. Firstly the scent, I didn’t think the berry scent was going to be able to supersede the smell of fake tan but I was wrong. The smell didn’t fade out at all and it wasn’t overwhelming either so made the process so much easier. The guide colour is definitely helpful especially for those who are newer to tanning. The results were so nice. I recently went to Italy and made sure to use this as a my holiday prep tan and it didn’t disappoint. It left a beautiful bronze finish that gave me a nice glow while bathing in the Italian sun.
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St.Tropez este o marca de produse autobronzante extrem de apreciata de catre expertii in frumusete si consumatori. St. Tropez raspunde tuturor nevoilor, oferind pielii un aspect bronzat lejer si subtil sau unul intens si profund. Un rezultat luminos si natural, pentru o bronzare sublima.

st. tropez
Berry Sorbet Mousse - Spuma parfumata autobronzanta pentru corp
St tropes berry sorbet mousse
Really recommend this product had no problems big bottles
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