Boss Bottled - Parfum

4.3 434 recenzii
Boss Bottled - Parfum
BOSS Bottled întruchipează o atitudine puternică, fiind un parfum lemnos-ambrat de o profunzime ... Afla mai multe

497,00 Lei (1)
994,00 Lei / 100ml

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*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

*Oferta exclusiva in SEPHORA APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 17/03/25-31/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu cu cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica pentru achizitia cardurilor cadou.

  • Descriere

    BOSS Bottled întruchipează o atitudine puternică, fiind un parfum lemnos-ambrat de o profunzime remarcabilă, cu o inimă nobilă ce îmbină acorduri de iris și rădăcină de smochin.Creat de maeștrii parfumieri Annick Ménardo și Suzy Le Helley, BOSS Bottled redefinește familia iconică de parfumuri, ducând-o la un nou nivel de intensitate. Acest parfum masculin, bogat și texturat, debutează cu accente vibrante de mandarine și uleiuri picante de tămâie. În centrul său, acordurile sofisticate de iris și rădăcină de smochin dezvăluie o carismă puternică și captivantă. Baza lemnoasă, formată din esențe de lemn de cedru și piele vegetală, adaugă căldură, durabilitate și o intensitate memorabilă, subliniind puterea fără limite a acestui parfum.

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  • Note olfactive

  • Descriere
  • Mod de utilizare
  • Ingrediente
  • Note olfactive

BOSS Bottled întruchipează o atitudine puternică, fiind un parfum lemnos-ambrat de o profunzime remarcabilă, cu o inimă nobilă ce îmbină acorduri de iris și rădăcină de smochin.Creat de maeștrii parfumieri Annick Ménardo și Suzy Le Helley, BOSS Bottled redefinește familia iconică de parfumuri, ducând-o la un nou nivel de intensitate. Acest parfum masculin, bogat și texturat, debutează cu accente vibrante de mandarine și uleiuri picante de tămâie. În centrul său, acordurile sofisticate de iris și rădăcină de smochin dezvăluie o carismă puternică și captivantă. Baza lemnoasă, formată din esențe de lemn de cedru și piele vegetală, adaugă căldură, durabilitate și o intensitate memorabilă, subliniind puterea fără limite a acestui parfum.

Pulverizati pe punctele de puls ale corpului: incheieturi, baza gatului, in spatele lobilor urechii, la incheietura bratului. Nu frecati mainile imediat dupa ce aplicati parfumul, acest gest poate schimba mirosul.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

Note de varf: Mandarina, tamaie picanta 

Note de mijloc: Acord de iris și radacini de smochin  Note de baza: Acord de lemn de cedru si piele vegetala

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I didn't really like it...

I didn’t like this perfume at all and ended up not keeping it. The smell just wasn’t for me. Maybe for someone a bit more older. I can’t really take a picture of it because I no longer have it.

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It's OK.

It woody, it's manly. A great cooler weather cologne. But something about it just doesn't wow me. It smells good. But doesn't smell great. I rarely use this one.

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hugo boss bottled parfum – fancy bottle, mid spice

man, i don’t know. it’s nice, it’s woody, but those spices? kinda meh. like, i wanna like it, but something about it just doesn’t hit right for me. definitely not something i’d reach for. but hey, the bottle? solid. got that nice, grab-able shape—feels good in the hand. too bad i don’t vibe with what’s inside. oh well, on to the next!

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Great scent

Hugo Boss Boss Bottled Parfum is long-lasting fragrance that's perfect for both daily wear and special occasions. With a rich blend of warm spices, apple, and citrus, it strikes a perfect balance between freshness and depth. The scent feels refined and elegant, with a subtle hint of woodiness that lingers. Ideal for those who want a bold yet classy fragrance, this parfum is both modern and timeless. It's a great choice for someone who enjoys a luxurious scent that lasts throughout the

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Great smell, strong, long lasting and wintery

This truly is one of the best fragrance out there it has such a nice smell with fresh notes of apple and bergamot evolving with a spicy heart of cinnamon and cloves, the base is warm and woody with a scent of sandalwood and it is strong and long lasting the, packaging is nice,cool and modern a definitely recommend this and it is 100% worth the money and it is great for the winter and going out and this product Is very sustainable, so go get your cosy winter from one spray at Hugo boss.

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Pretty but too strong

Smells good but a little too strong for me, the bottle is pretty and the size is nice too but again the scent is a little to strong for my liking and i can only handle light smells

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Powerful and masculine

Powerful and masculine I do tend to select perfumes that make a statement from the 1st spray and this is a perfect match. It has the same approach as the original version, housed in a black bottle with name of the perfume engraved in a 3D version on the side of the bottle. On the first detection you are blown away with woody intense note following shortly with powerful zesty mandarin blended with incense perfume oils. Orris and fig tree are softening the intensity making the perfume more charismatic and powerful. Right at the end a soft approach of cedar wood and leather adds the gentle touch of love. Indeed a very powerful and long lasting perfume that reflects the power of man that knows what he need to be done. This will be a great gift because it has something to say right from the start, simply unforgettable.

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The best

Hugo Boss Bottled Parfum is intense fragrance, ideal for the modern man. It opens with fresh notes of apple and bergamot, evolving into a spicy heart of cinnamon and clove. The base is warm and woody, with sandalwood,

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Recenzii de testeri

Good smell but it’s not our favorite.

Its smell is very good but it is definitely not our favorite, if it were our choice we would not buy it but if they give us the product it is fine, the smell lasts so it’s fine.

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Hugo Boss Boss Bottled Parfum is a refined and elegant fragrance that exudes sophistication and modernity. The scent opens with an enticing blend of citrus and apple, creating a fresh and invigorating introduction. The heart reveals a warm and spicy mix of cinnamon and clove, adding depth and complexity. The base is composed of rich woods and vanilla, providing a smooth and lasting finish. Encased in a sleek and timeless bottle, this parfum is perfect for the confident and contemporary man.

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Great longevity

This is a nice fresh masculine scent which is clean and leaves you feeling confident . Its woody notes can be easily recognised along with the mandarin tones. It’s perfect for all year round and has great longevity lasting about 6 hours .

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Long lasting

This is a woody spicy fragrance which has a touch of citrus notes. I feel it is a luxury scent worth wearing all year round. It’s quite strong which I like. And it lasts a few days on my clothes.

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Good daily scent

Overall a pleasant masculine scent that is easily wearable any day of the week. Scent starts strong but does fade through the day. Can be worn to any occasion.

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Hugo Boss's Boss fragrance captivates with its intriguing scent, enhancing the ambiance of chilly air for a pleasant olfactory journey.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sample the scent of Hugo Boss's Boss fragrance. Amidst the crisp air, its aroma stood out as particularly intriguing. Although it was just a small bottle, it was sufficient for an enjoyable experience.

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Inca de la crearea sa, brandul Hugo Boss insoteste barbatii si femeile pe calea succesului. De-a lungul anilor, parfumurile Hugo Boss nu au incetat sa intruchipeze eleganta si modernitatea, gratie notelor lor rafinate si designului clasic si atemporal. Hugo, sau mai degraba Boss, fiecare se va regasi intr-unul din aceste parfumuri unice si sofisticate.