Bvlgari Man in Black - Parfum

4.8 51 recenzii
Bvlgari Man in Black - Parfum
Parfumul Bvlgari Man In Black emana o eleganta unica. Aduce apa de parfum originală la un nou nivel ... Afla mai multe

560,70 Lei (1)
934,50 Lei / 100ml
Cel mai mic pret: 630,00 Lei -11% (2)

In Programul de Fidelitate Sephora, 1 leu = 1 punct. La fiecare 650 de puncte sau 4 zile de cumparaturi, bucura-te de o reducere de 10% la urmatoarea achizitie.

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 14/03/25-10/04/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect.

  • Descriere

    Parfumul Bvlgari Man In Black emana o eleganta unica.

    Aduce apa de parfum originală la un nou nivel de intensitate, plenitudine și rafinament și întruchipează masculinitatea modernă cu semnătura sa ambră-lemnoasă.Notele de vârf seducătoare și puternic condimentate se scufundă ușor în floralitatea luxuriantă a tuberozei și irisului înainte de a se transforma într-un acord intens de lemn închis la culoare: această semnătură de parfum face din parfumul Bvlgari Man In Black o compoziție multifațetă și structurată.

    Parfumul a fost creat de maestrul parfumier Alberto Morillas și este până în prezent cel mai opulent și concentrat parfum din colecția Bvlgari Man.Sticla complet neagră este o interpretare intensă a codurilor estetice ale Bvlgari Man In Black.

    Utilizarea dramatică și îndrăzneață a culorii negru subliniază concentrația mare a parfumului și diferă de designul mai contrastant al apei de parfum Black and Rose Gold.

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  • Ingrediente

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  • Descriere
  • Ingrediente
  • Note olfactive

Parfumul Bvlgari Man In Black emana o eleganta unica.

Aduce apa de parfum originală la un nou nivel de intensitate, plenitudine și rafinament și întruchipează masculinitatea modernă cu semnătura sa ambră-lemnoasă.Notele de vârf seducătoare și puternic condimentate se scufundă ușor în floralitatea luxuriantă a tuberozei și irisului înainte de a se transforma într-un acord intens de lemn închis la culoare: această semnătură de parfum face din parfumul Bvlgari Man In Black o compoziție multifațetă și structurată.

Parfumul a fost creat de maestrul parfumier Alberto Morillas și este până în prezent cel mai opulent și concentrat parfum din colecția Bvlgari Man.Sticla complet neagră este o interpretare intensă a codurilor estetice ale Bvlgari Man In Black.

Utilizarea dramatică și îndrăzneață a culorii negru subliniază concentrația mare a parfumului și diferă de designul mai contrastant al apei de parfum Black and Rose Gold.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.


Note de vârf:    NOTE VIBRANTE CONDIMENTATE             

                               ESENȚĂ DE ELEMI                                        

Note de mijloc:  TUBEROZĂ ABSOLUTĂ                         

                                  ESENȚĂ DE IRIS                                        



                                 RĂȘINĂ BENZOICĂ DE SIAM                                           

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51 recenzii
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51 recenzii
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Recenzii de testeri

Long lasting scent

OMG, it smells amazing. My partner is so pleased with the quality and longevity. I would pay the original price, no doubt. Nice packaging. Highly recommend it!

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Very strong scent

Long lasting strong scent very nice sleek bottle design only need a few sprays and the scent lasts all day. 60ml bottle definitely last a good amount of time especially for the price

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Recenzii de testeri

Let it settle

One of those perfumes you must let settle before deciding. Initial smell is nothing like what it smells like a few minutes later. It's a very classic masculine smell but not old man like at all. The 60ml bottle is still quite large in size so would make an impressive gift, my husband loves it and frequently uses it despite his large collection. Sc not os strong and will last all day

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Recenzii de testeri

Strong scent

I found the scent quiet strong and at first overpowering. I loved the bottle design and packaging. The fragrance for was not specifically my type (ie not what I would normally wear) the value seems great and I do firmly believe this could be worn for an occasion.

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Great long lasting scent and value for money

This is a really nice smelling fragrance. It has a woody/spice smell that's strong enough to be noticed but light enough to be worn any time of day. You'll be happy wearing this to work or to go out in the evenings, and it suits any occasion. I've had no problems with the amount of time it lasts on the skin, but like any fragrance the smell will diminish over a few hours.

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Recenzii de testeri

Love it!

I love this scent it’s quite strong so you don’t need to use a lot and lasts all day. I like how the bottle has a lock and unlock feature so if you put it in your bag it won’t leak.

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Recenzii de testeri

Bold, sophisticated, perfection.

The scent is rich, warm, and deeply sophisticated, making it perfect for both special occasions and everyday wear. It has a lasting, bold fragrance, it is my favourite scent. The balance of spice, leather, and subtle sweetness creates a truly luxurious experience. Easily one of the best additions to my husbands collection—highly recommend!

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Recenzii de testeri

Luxurious fragrance

Bvlgari Man In Black is a bold, luxurious fragrance launched in 2014 as part of the Bvlgari Man collection. Created by master perfumer Alberto Morillas, it’s designed for a confident and charismatic man, blending sensual and spicy notes. Bvlgari Man In Black isn’t just a fragrance; it’s a statement. It’s bold, warm, and inviting, with a touch of mystery. When your husband wears it, it likely enhances his charisma, making it unforgettable for both him and those around him. The combination of spicy rum, leather, and warm tonka bean has a captivating quality that makes it perfect for someone who exudes confidence and charm. When my husband wears it, 😍 it changes everything...

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Recenzii de testeri

Amazing smell

Very good scent strenght.Smell amazing and last long on the skin.Very "male" scent. My husband love it and using with a pleasure.Great to work but also night out.

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Recenzii de testeri

Sexual scent for that special man in your life

Such an amazing fragrance. A sexual scent that has a bold notes such as rum, leather, benzoin and tonka bean. The bottle is Absolutley gorgeous, sleek and chic. The spray has a lockable twist and comes with the embossed logo. Perfect for that special man in your life.

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A beatiful perfume

I like this perfume. It has a strong smell and very good for money, perfect for every pocket and for every men. The quality is perfect. Thank you Influenster

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Recenzii de testeri

Amazing fragrance

Absolutely love, love the fragrance. My husband uses it ocasionally and he really likes it. It actually lasts for the entire day and more. Would definitrly recommend it.

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Recenzii de testeri

Smells beautiful.

This mens aftershave by BVLGARI man in black, is an intense and woody perfume. It smells absolutely amazing and is so refreshing and characteristic. I would definately recommend this product. Packaging quality is great and good value for money.

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Recenzii de testeri

A manly Winter scent

BULGARIA MAN IN BLACK PARFUM vaporisateur spray made in Italy It smells amazing, a solid scent, masculine dark mysterious and fun fragrance. I would say it’s great for the winter months, special occasions, date night and romantic night. it mells so good on the skin very elegant and classy. An expressive and seductive fragrance with the mysterious and mythic touch to it. The composition is addictive and masculine. The presentation is lovely I would give it a 5/5. It has a close and open turntable top which stops you pressing it by mistake and wasting the fragrance. It looks like a frosted black glass with a pop of rose gold which it makes it stand out and is easy to hold. The top notes from this fragrance are warm and spicy, woody, leather, Rum, amber, it’s sweet, with a touch of vanilla, tabacco with animatic and iris it’s earthier and Smokey and long lasting, catching the different scents throughout the day and has a long lasting smell

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Parfumurile BVLGARI, nascute la confluenta dintre bijuterie si parfumerie, sunt expresia elegantei mediteraneene contemporane.
Bijutierul-Parfumier modeleaza bijuteriile naturii strabatand intreaga lume si inspirandu-se din diversitatea acesteia, pentru a oferi parfumuri unice, elaborate de cei mai admirati Maitres-Parfumeurs din lume.