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Tangle Teezer Compact Styler este o perie inovatoare si compacta care descurca parul cu usurinta si fara durere, fara a-l afecta sau a-l rupe. Perii sai cu design unic se curbeaza alunecand in par, ceea ce duce la evitarea ruperii sau incalcirii parului. Tehnologia sa brevetata confera stralucire parului si da prospetime stilului propriu. Protectia sa unica apara perii de praf, ceea ce o transforma intr-un accesoriu perfect de purtat in geanta sau valiza. Disponibila intr-o gama larga de motive inspirate de moda, cu motive cromate si stralucitoare. Pentru ce tip de par? Pentru toate tipurile de par, in special tipul sensibil sau colorat, peruci, extensii si parul copiilor, care se incurca mai usor.
Cum se utilizeaza?
Se foloseste pe toate tipurile de par, ud sau uscat. De ce o adoram? Mini-peria de par care aduce stralucire instantaneu. - Mod de utilizare
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Cum se utilizeaza?
Se foloseste pe toate tipurile de par, ud sau uscat. De ce o adoram? Mini-peria de par care aduce stralucire instantaneu.
Indeparteaza pur si simplu protectia pentru a-ti peria parul. Utilizatorii cu par extrem de des pot imparti parul in suvite pentru a permite perilor sa actioneze pe intreaga lungime.
Husa sa pliabila, ideala pentru a-ti strecura peria in poseta sau in valiza, protejeaza perii de praf si de riscul de deteriorare.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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626 recenzii
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- De la cea mai slabă la cea mai bună evaluare
626 recenzii
Genul: Femeie
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BEST Detangle-er EVER!!!
This product is amazing!! I have very long beautiful hair and I’m so amazed to have this product easily detangle my hair in such a short amount of time! So if you have long hair that is always tangled or hair in general that gets tangled easily I highly recommend this product!! So run don’t walk to get this product!!💯
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Love it ❤️
I love my new Tangle Teezer Compact Styler Detangling Hairbrush. I’m using Tangle Teezer Compact Styler for approximately a month and I’m in love with it since my very first use. I won’t say it doesn’t break my hairs while detangling. It does but very less as compared to regular hairbrush. It is small enough to fit into any bag and it is wonderful to brush through thick hair! The bristles feel so good on my scalp and reach all the way through my thick hair. The hairbrush is also compact and great for travelling! Pros: * Detangle hairs easily and painlessly * Reduce hair breakage * Work on both wet and dry hairs * Perfect to carry in handbag * Comes with a cover + Mirror Cons: * Pricey (but worth it) If you’re looking for a hairbrush that will be gentle with you hair and scalp and fits inside bag go for it ! ❤️
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favorite brush
this is my favorite brush it doesn't pull my hair too much, this is travel friendly and it includes a mirror which is convenient. this brush does a great job at detangling my thin hair. I would highly recommend
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just awesome
loved the detangler not only for me but also for my daughter. It makes every morning easier before school. Super easy to use, nothing painful very very useful! Five stars product for sure 👍❤
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cute for travel and good for all around
First of all I do adore how small this thing is. short hair and big clunky hairbrushes just aren’t a match. It’s big enough that you can hold it nice and firmly. The bristles on it aren’t super long and they so grab a hold of my hair even though it is pretty short. And like I said it is very nice for travel, all I have to do is throw it in my bag and I’m good to go!
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This brush is so
This brush is so amazing, it’s been in my purse for almost a year now! I use it almost every day and is also perfect for my boyfriends daughter while on the road. She loves to do hair so it’s a nice distraction for her!
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Great for detangling my
Great for detangling my hair! Still use it frequently. I would recommend this product to others. I don’t think there is a way to improve this product. It’s also a great value for the price.
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This is a really
This is a really nice sized travel brush but my hair is just way too thick for the little bristles. So I have it to my husband and he really likes how his hair turns out when he uses it.
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Love this little brush.
Love this little brush. The cover makes it perfect to throw into my bag and the mirror is actually really nice and not foggy like most.
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I love love love
I love love love this compact mirror. It’s small enough to fit in a small purse and it doesn’t rip my hair out and just glides.
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I love this brush especially when my hair is straight , it keeps it very slick and no frizz.
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This is an awesome
This is an awesome brush! I don’t use it super often because I have one favorite brush that I use for everything, but it’s great if I’m in need of a hair brush on the go! The mirror is also super helpful.
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I love how compact
I love how compact it is but my favorite part is how tiny and convenient it is! After hours of work, my hair is a hot mess! In addition, there is a mirror with it!!! It makes my hair perfect all day long! Definitely a number on to have in your purse! Tangle Teezer Mirror Compact Styler
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Indiferent de tipul sau textura parului tau, instrumentele Tangle Teezer sunt ceea ce trebuie sa adaugi la rutina ta - lasandu-ti un par cu un aspect mai sanatos, mai putin casant si foarte multa incredere.

tangle teezer
Compact Styler - Perie de par
este super
Imi doream de mai mult timp sa achizitionez o perie de genul si sunt foarte multumita. Nu am un par care sa fie foarte incalcit, dar se vede diferenta la periaj intre o perie normala si aceasta.
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