Dyson Airstrait™ - aparat de îndreptat părul

4.3 1.335 recenzii
Dyson Airstrait™ - aparat de îndreptat părul
Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.Pentru un aspect natural drept.Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără ... Afla mai multe

2.495,00 Lei (1)
275,39 Lei / 100g
Nichel/Cupru Nichel/Cupru

In Programul de Fidelitate Sephora, 1 leu = 1 punct. La fiecare 650 de puncte sau 4 zile de cumparaturi, bucura-te de o reducere de 10% la urmatoarea achizitie.

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

  • Descriere

    Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

    Pentru un aspect natural drept.

    Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără temperaturi extreme.1

    Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

    Cea mai recentă tehnologie de îngrijire a părului utilizează un flux de aer de înaltă presiune pentru a aplatiza părul în timp ce se usucă. 

    Utilizați în modul de la umed la uscat

    Duceți părul de la o coafură umedă la o coafură finisată cu un singur aparat, sau coafați-vă și împrospătați-vă părul când este uscat.

    Control inteligent al căldurii

    Temperatura fluxului de aer este reglată de până la 16 ori pe secundă pentru a preveni deteriorarea termică extremă.

    Atunci când este utilizat în modul de la umed la uscat.

    Afla mai multe

  • Mod de utilizare

  • Compozitie

  • Ingrediente

  • Descriere
  • Mod de utilizare
  • Compozitie
  • Ingrediente

Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

Pentru un aspect natural drept.

Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără temperaturi extreme.1

Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

Cea mai recentă tehnologie de îngrijire a părului utilizează un flux de aer de înaltă presiune pentru a aplatiza părul în timp ce se usucă. 

Utilizați în modul de la umed la uscat

Duceți părul de la o coafură umedă la o coafură finisată cu un singur aparat, sau coafați-vă și împrospătați-vă părul când este uscat.

Control inteligent al căldurii

Temperatura fluxului de aer este reglată de până la 16 ori pe secundă pentru a preveni deteriorarea termică extremă.

Atunci când este utilizat în modul de la umed la uscat.

Rutina ta, dar simplificată

Dyson Airstrait™ usucă și îndreaptă părul în același timp. Aranjează-ți părul de la umed la finisat - cu un singur aparat.

Styler Dyson Airstrait™ 

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 45 și 54


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Well done dyson.

I have very long and thick hair. Absolutely brilliant. It has saved me so much time. I love that there is no heat plates. .The performance and technology is out standing. Well done dyson.

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Genul: Femeie


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It is SO worth the price!

A friend has an Airstrait and let me borrow it. It is a gane changer! I am able to get out of the shower with wet hair and have smooth, straight, dry hair in approximately 10 minutes. My hair is wavy/curly. I recently had an express Brazilian blowout. It looked great when the stylist did my hair. But I could not get it to be that straight when I styled it myself. The Dyson Airstrait easily dries my hair straight and adds shine. I get compliiments on my hair all the time! Three friends have already purchased an Airstrait once they saw my hair!

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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It's different generation of straightening, very quick drying, little bit overpriced

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Genul: Femeie


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Not As Described Poor Performer

I bought this item three weeks ago, it has not lived up to the product performance as described. I have a slight wave in my hair and these straighteners just did not do the job I like a very straight finish I am not able to achieve this with them I am using correct hair products for heat. I had my friend try them and she said they were not easy to use or give desired look. I have gone back to my leading brand hair straighteners for a good finish. I wouldn’t recommend and very pricey which I wouldn’t mind if it done what it states and advertised as doing. Certainly would not have bought them if I knew the result achieved using them.

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New user


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I bought it one month ago and I'm very happy with it. It is very easy to use it and my hair gets pretty straight. It feels like it takes more time compared to regular dryer, maybe because my hair is ticker.

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Bob 456

Genul: Femeie


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Not for me

This does not seem to work for me. I have tried different hair products / amount of hair I dry at a time. No matter what I am not getting the smooth look that others have reported. Trying to return

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Excellent results

This is the only product I have bought that really straightens my hair from wet. I cant believe the results I get from it. I borrowed a friends to 'try before you buy' as it is expensive, but worth the money!

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Amazing technology

I love this product. It is truly amazing how easy it is to use and the results are as good as a salon style!!

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Holley O

Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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Mind blown

Mind blown! I had very low expectations cause its so hard to get my thick, curly, frizzy hair smooth! But OMG this is a game changer for my hair! I can get it so much more smooth than with my blow dry brush or blow dryer and round brush. After the wet to dry mode I go over with dry Mode turbo and my hair is silky straight. I love it so much. I have never been one to spend this much money on a hair dryer but this is so worth it! Its so easy to use! Turns off by itself! Its next level technology and Ib just love it so much.

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The Jan

Genul: Femeie


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What a fantastic buy.

Omg, this is a fantastic product, words can not explain how flipping fantastic this is, I showed my daughter and the next day she purchased one as well, works like a dream, from wet to straight in minutes, it really is easy to use, and it gives you a brilliant performance, my hair looks great, soft and silky, I would highly recommend these Dyson Airstaigh.

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Genul: Femeie


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Great product. Straight hair like i came from the salon. Excellent efficiency.

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Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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Lifesaver for my daughter's and my hair. We have wavy curly hair that's always freezy. I'm glad the airstraight blow dries and straighten at the same time. We just need 10 to 15 min and it lasts until the next washing.

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 45 și 54


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Great hair tool!

I love this tool! It does the job of dryer and a straightener all at one!!! Love, love, love!

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Genul: Femeie


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Need more help

I bought it almost a month ago, but was able to try only once (had some medical procedures ). It is heavy to hold ( I am petite), and not easy to manage on a back. I would very much appreciate to have personal assistance using phone call or online - helping to operate it more efficiently- like switching faster from different modes and levels. Each button on a machine serves multiple purposes - depending how hard and long you press it. Dyson videos are good, but don’t mention all details.

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Descoperiți tehnologia Dyson de îngrijire a părului. Creați look-uri pe care părul dvs. le va iubi și protejați împotriva deteriorării cauzate de căldura excesivă. Cu un accent mai mare pe control și mai puțină dependență de căldură.