Dyson Airstrait™ - aparat de îndreptat părul

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Dyson Airstrait™ - aparat de îndreptat părul
Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.Pentru un aspect natural drept.Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără ... Afla mai multe

2.495,00 Lei (1)
275,39 Lei / 100g
Nichel/Cupru Nichel/Cupru

In Programul de Fidelitate Sephora, 1 leu = 1 punct. La fiecare 650 de puncte sau 4 zile de cumparaturi, bucura-te de o reducere de 10% la urmatoarea achizitie.

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*Oferta exclusiva in SEPHORA APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 03/02/25-03/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 25/02/25-18/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta disponibila pentru prima comanda online.

  • Descriere

    Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

    Pentru un aspect natural drept.

    Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără temperaturi extreme.1

    Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

    Cea mai recentă tehnologie de îngrijire a părului utilizează un flux de aer de înaltă presiune pentru a aplatiza părul în timp ce se usucă. 

    Utilizați în modul de la umed la uscat

    Duceți părul de la o coafură umedă la o coafură finisată cu un singur aparat, sau coafați-vă și împrospătați-vă părul când este uscat.

    Control inteligent al căldurii

    Temperatura fluxului de aer este reglată de până la 16 ori pe secundă pentru a preveni deteriorarea termică extremă.

    Atunci când este utilizat în modul de la umed la uscat.

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  • Mod de utilizare
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  • Ingrediente

Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

Pentru un aspect natural drept.

Fără plăci fierbinți. Fără temperaturi extreme.1

Îndreaptă părul umed sau uscat, cu aer.

Cea mai recentă tehnologie de îngrijire a părului utilizează un flux de aer de înaltă presiune pentru a aplatiza părul în timp ce se usucă. 

Utilizați în modul de la umed la uscat

Duceți părul de la o coafură umedă la o coafură finisată cu un singur aparat, sau coafați-vă și împrospătați-vă părul când este uscat.

Control inteligent al căldurii

Temperatura fluxului de aer este reglată de până la 16 ori pe secundă pentru a preveni deteriorarea termică extremă.

Atunci când este utilizat în modul de la umed la uscat.

Rutina ta, dar simplificată

Dyson Airstrait™ usucă și îndreaptă părul în același timp. Aranjează-ți părul de la umed la finisat - cu un singur aparat.

Styler Dyson Airstrait™ 

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The best

The best hair tool I’ve found!! Takes 1/2 off getting ready.

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Best straightener

I’m so happy with my Airstrait straightener, I really recommend it 👍🏽

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Genul: Femeie


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If it sounds too good to be true...

The AirStrait gets one star as it does straighten hair beautifully, but at the expense of your hair's condition. I have no idea how Dyson can claim "no heat damage" when it causes an unbelievable amount of breakage and damage when used exactly as directed. Buyer beware, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is and this is a perfect example.

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Genul: Femeie


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Love the unit

Since I decided to eliminate using heated product on my hair, I purchased this unit the beginning of the new year. Very pleased at how well it works, & how it makes my hair feel. I’ve been looking for the air wrap unit, but because of the price I may have to wait a while.

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Save your money

With it being Dyson, I expected it to be a lot better. You need to have your hair 80% dry prior to using it for it to be effective. Definitely not worth the price.

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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Quick, efficient, and well made

I have used this several times since receiving it. I only have good things to say about it. It straightens my hair from wet in 15 mins. my hair is about shoulder length. You do have to work in sections but that is with most hair tools. It is easy to use and if you need help Dyson offers assistance. It may be expensive but it is completely worth the price.

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Genul: Femeie


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Unbelievable Results….And Easy To Use !!!!

I am HOOKED ! I got this Airstrait in Mid-Dec, after contemplating for many months about it. I am already an owner of the 3 other Dyson hair products, so I wasn’t sure I needed this one too. After using it only 1 time… the results were AMAZING… my hair was straighter, softer, and sleeker than with any of the other Dyson products I owned.. and I felt with less damage… DO NOT HESITATE… GET THIS NOW !!!

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Genul: Femeie


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Best purchase

I purchased my airstrait about 3 weeks ago and I Love it. It takes me about 20 mins to dry and straighten my hair which is long. My hair is shiny and soft! Best purchase by far!

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 45 și 54


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Fast drying/straightening

I have used it 2 x now and I am totally in love with it! It is very easy to use and saves so much time.

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Genul: Femeie


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I bought it a few weeks ago, but this is a lifesaver I used to straight my hair daily with a normal tool but my hair was really dry, but when I started to use the Dyson Airstrait it literally make me look and felt like I had a brand new hair.

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trendynan 52

Genul: Femeie


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buy it and try it

Bought as a birthday gift to myself,at first didn’t like it but after using it a few times it’s brilliant.i have a short bob so do under layers from wet and then blow top layer with the new hairdryer so easy and looks fab.

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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Great for Curly Girls!

I received the Airstrait as a birthday present. I am someone with curly/wavy hair and a lot of frizz. I love this product! My daughter has coily hair. I love that this product uses less heat and doesn’t damage her beautiful curls.

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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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Great features

The Dyson Airstrait is a game-changer for those who love sleek, straight hair but want to avoid the damage caused by traditional hot plates. Instead of using heated ceramic plates, it straightens hair using high-pressure air, making it a unique and innovative tool in the haircare market. Pros: ✅ Less Heat Damage – Since it uses controlled air rather than direct heat, it reduces the risk of heat-related damage and breakage. ✅ Fast Drying & Styling – It dries and straightens damp hair simultaneously, saving time in your routine. ✅ No Burning Smell – Unlike traditional flat irons, there’s no risk of singeing or burning hair. ✅ Sleek, Natural Finish – The results are smooth and natural-looking, without excessive flatness. Cons: ❌ Expensive – Like most Dyson products, the Airstrait comes with a premium price tag. ❌ Not for All Hair Types – Works best on fine to medium hair; for very curly or coarse hair, it may not provide the same sleekness as a traditional flat iron. ❌ Learning Curve – Takes some getting used to, especially if you’re used to regular flat irons or blow-dry brushes. Final Verdict If you’re looking for a high-tech, healthier alternative to traditional straighteners and don’t mind the price, the Dyson Airstrait is a worthy investment. However, if you have very thick or curly hair, you may still need a flat iron for that ultra-sleek look. ⭐ Rating: 5/5

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Love it!

Love the product. I wish it would have one more feature, though, to turn off the air blow.

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Descoperiți tehnologia Dyson de îngrijire a părului. Creați look-uri pe care părul dvs. le va iubi și protejați împotriva deteriorării cauzate de căldura excesivă. Cu un accent mai mare pe control și mai puțină dependență de căldură.