Hair Eraser - Aparat epilare si exfoliere

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Un dispozitiv de epilare pentru corp cu rezultate instantanee: indeparteaza parul si exfoliaza delicat. Epilator: epilare rapida si delicata. Epilatorul prin frecare SEPHORA COLLECTION este un accesoriu care inlocuieste aparatele de ras. Indeparteaza rapid si usor parul si puful de piersica. Utilizeaza-l usor pe brate, picioare, axile si linia bikinilor. Indepartarea parului este mai blanda si mai rapida. Mai putine fire de par incarnate cu acest epilator Acest epilator prin frecare pentru axila si corp merge dincolo de epilare. Frecarea cu acesta exfoliaza suprafata pielii si indeparteaza celulele moarte. Prin urmare, previne aparitia firelor de par incarnate dupa indepartarea parului. Pielea este mai fina si mai moale. Un epilator prin frecare creat pentru a dura. Acest epilator prin frecare este practic pentru barbati si femei si este conceput pentru a fi reutilizat cat de mult vrei. Este complet lavabil pentru a garanta o igiena impecabila la barbierit.
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Care este cel mai bun mod de a folosi epilatorul prin frecare pe corp? Executa miscari circulare intr-o directie apoi in alta, pe pielea curata si uscata. Continua frecarea pana cand parul nedorit si puful de piersica sunt complet indepartate. Spala accesoriul si lasa-l sa se usuce pentru a-l reutiliza. Urmatorul pas: piele rasa, exfoliata si hidratata. Aplica o crema hidratanta dupa utilizare deoarece dupa ras si exfoliere, pielea trebuie uneori hidratata. Balsamul hidratant pentru corp SEPHORA COLLECTION Moisturizing Body Balm ii mentine confortul cu 93% din ingrediente de origine naturala. Contine un duo de unt de shea si unt de mango pentru a-ti hrani si calma pielea. Hidratata toata ziua, aceasta este mai moale, mai neteda si mai supla. Intrebari frecvente Cum funcţioneaza acest epilator prin frecare? Felul in care functioneaza un epilator prin frecare este simplu. Prin frecarea epilatorului de piele se indeparteaza parul si puful de piersica aproape de piele, ca un brici. Un astfel de epilator prin frecare rade sau epileaza? Principiul epilatorului nu este acela de a smulge parul, ci de a-l taia prin frecare. Asa ca el nu smulge ci rade parul. Care este diferenta dintre un epilator prin frecare si o lama? Epilatorul prin frecare este mai placut decat lama de ras. Ofera rezultate rapide fara a fi nevoie de spuma de ras. Procesul este foarte bland.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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12 recenzii
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12 recenzii
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Great hair eraser
Great hair eraser works brilliantly however even after moisturising I do find that my skin is irritated by this product. I would say if you have sensitive skin use it sparingly.
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Never shaving again!!!
I was sceptical as to how this would work but have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. My legs felt super smooth and hair free. It was really easy to hold and easier to use. Just round and round and you’re done!!
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Great Hair Removal
Effortlessly eliminating hair on my legs, this painless hair removal method is incredibly easy to use—absolutely loving the experience! Does exfoliate the skin and it leaves smoothly .
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It’s ok
This is a great idea but hard work and time consuming to sand away all those hairs on your legs didn’t dare use it on underarms too sensitive for that wouldn’t try again
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Easy to use and pretty effective
The hair eraser is very easy to use, rub in a circular motion on your skin and it buffs the skin and hair away. It works very well and does leave the skin smooth but the effect is very much similar to shaving in that it grows back at the same rate. I have fairly sensitive skin so when I applied cream after as advised it was a little sensitive but that’s normal for me. All in all easy to use no cuts just careful don’t buff too much or may irritate the skin.
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Okay but sharp edge
It was great in removing the hair took no time at all and it also exfoliated my skin making it feel great. BUT has sharp edges round the whole shape and caused paper cut style cuts on my legs. Making my legs very itchy afterwards. Also the packaging says not cuts but not entirely true
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Gentle hair removal
I really like using this on my legs. I used gentle circular motions to remove the hair and my legs are so smooth. It does exfoliate some skin also, so make sure to moisturise afterwards.
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Very good at exfoliating
I didn't even know this beauty tool existed until I was asked to try out the Sephora Hair Eraser Gum, courtesy of Influenster. I tried it on both my lower legs, where I have very fine downy hair. It not only removed my fine hairs, but it is amazing at exfoliating the skin. You'll notice the dead skin coming off after just a few seconds. I applied moisturiser straight away, and now my skin feels so soft. I will be using this weekly from now on.
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Used it after shower, leaves your skin nice and smooth after use and no rashes! The only fault is it pull abut nothing major and its not bad pulling. Will continue to use.
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Great little tool
Very effect little tool. However it does all removal dead skin so be prepared to moisture after. In a nice little packaged box and instructions are clear on how to use
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I have never tried anything like this before and i was pleasantly surprised how well it works. My skin felt silky smooth after using it and completely hair free. Easy to clean also which is a bonus. I would highly recommend this little hair remover
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Sephora Collection este o gama completa de produse pentru baie, ingrijire, machiaj si accesorii pentru toate nevoile si dorintele. Diverse si variate, creative si rafinate, concepute cu respect pentru calitatea autentica, aceste produse au fost create pentru a transforma frumusetea intr-o placere accesibila tuturor, simpla, distractiva si intotdeauna in tendinte!

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Hair Eraser - Aparat epilare si exfoliere
Quite surprised it worked
I’ve seen these advertised on TikTok and I was honestly surprised it worked! It did a better job on my partner compared to myself but that’s where I wasn’t surprised. My leg hair is quite thick and coarse so it took me quite some time to remove the hair from the lower half of one one leg. I used a razor to shave the other leg to compare and the smoothness was noticeable! Since it exfoliates as it goes, I loved the result but I would only use this after shaving (because of time) to maintain it rather than fully remove it when it’s grown out but that is more of a personal preference
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