Instrument de presopunctura - Pentru relaxarea si masarea cu precizie a fetei.

In Programul de Fidelitate Sephora, 1 leu = 1 punct. La fiecare 650 de puncte sau 4 zile de cumparaturi, bucura-te de o reducere de 10% la urmatoarea achizitie.
*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.
Un mic accesoriu ce poate fi luat oriunde, pentru relaxarea si masarea fetei cu precizie.
Un instrument de presopunctura pentru masarea fetei
Instrumentul de presopunctura SEPHORA COLLECTION este un accesoriu conceput pentru masarea fetei si ameliorarea aspectului pielii. Extremitatea sa permite stimularea cu blandete a diferitelor puncte de presopunctura. Cu o folosire regulata, lasa fata odihnita si relaxata.
Presopunctura la indemana ta, multumita acestui accesoriu cu format redus
Datorita formatului sau redus, acest instrument poate fi luat oriunde. Poate fi strecurat intr-o trusa sau o geanta, pentru un masaj expres. - Mod de utilizare
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- Mod de utilizare
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- Ingrediente
Un instrument de presopunctura pentru masarea fetei
Instrumentul de presopunctura SEPHORA COLLECTION este un accesoriu conceput pentru masarea fetei si ameliorarea aspectului pielii. Extremitatea sa permite stimularea cu blandete a diferitelor puncte de presopunctura. Cu o folosire regulata, lasa fata odihnita si relaxata.
Presopunctura la indemana ta, multumita acestui accesoriu cu format redus
Datorita formatului sau redus, acest instrument poate fi luat oriunde. Poate fi strecurat intr-o trusa sau o geanta, pentru un masaj expres.
Cum se utilizeaza un accesoriu de presopunctura pe fata?
In mod ideal, foloseste instrumentul de presopunctura imediat dupa aplicarea unei creme hidratante sau a unui ser. Stimuleaza diferite puncte ale fetei cu ajutorul extremitatilor rotunjite. Mentine o presiune usoara timp de cateva secunde.
- Frunte: apasa delicat intre sprancene. Urca apoi spre punctul situat chiar in mijlocul fruntii. Termina cu o presiune usoara pe fiecare tampla.
- Ochi: stimuleaza in mod succesiv capul, mijlocul si coada sprancenei. Apasa apoi la cativa centimetri de coltul exterior al ochiului. Continua cu o presiune in mijlocul pungii de sub ochi.
- Nas: tinteste punctele situate de fiecare parte a pliului nazolabian, cat mai aproape de nari.
- Maxilar: apasa la nivelul osului situat sub fiecare pomet.
- Buze: exercita o presiune blanda in mijlocul despicaturii mediane, chiar deasupra arcului lui Cupidon.
Pentru un plus de binefaceri, intoarce instrumentul de presopunctura astfel incat partea sa curbata sa alunece la nivelul ponetilor si maxilarului, amelioramd ovalul fetei.
presopunctura: aliaj de zinc
Etui: hartie FSC
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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12 recenzii
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12 recenzii
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This little tool is so handy to keep in my bag. It's small, lightweight, and very effective. It makes me feel relaxed and massages the pressure points on my face. The metal surface really does make my face feel so fresh. I've been using this accupressure tool all over my face, too, as well as the pressure points. It helps to absorb any skincare products I use.
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Accupressure tool
I don’t think i would have bought this myself, I regularly use a guasha and originally thought it would be a bit like that but it isn’t Ive watched a few videos to try and get a grasp of what to do with this tool but i just cant get the hand of it I will keep trying
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Not that impressive
I have been using this facial tool for quite a while now but I am not sure if I’m seeing any results and what exactly to look for if I’m honest. I don’t find it that relaxing and I have used better tools in the past.
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I was thrilled to receive this product for free in exchange for my honest review. I often get stress headaches and this has been a game changer for me. With a cooling effect on the skin and small enough to work into delicate areas (such as around the mouth, nose, and eyes) without dragging on the skin. Small enough to carry on the go. It glides over the skin with ease and adds a little luxury to your morning and night skin routine. I never realised how much tension I hold in the muscles around my face until I started using this acupressure tool. Suitable for all ages (in my opinion) and a great addition to your self-care essentials.
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Relaxing and Therapeutic
I’ve been using this daily for a few weeks now and I find it relaxing and therapeutic. I get a lot of headaches and neck stiffness and find this really helps as a massage tool. The tool has a nice weight and it’s easy to hold. It’s cooling on the skin and you can apply a little or a lot of pressure depending on what you feel is comfortable. It has a lovely rose gold colour with the Sephora brand logo on the handle. You can use both ends of it either for trigger points or for massage. I spend about 15 minutes each evening gently massaging my forehead, between my brows and around my chin and jaw. The smaller end is great for under the eyes around the nose and at your temples. It’s very soothing and helps loosen up tight muscles. I also pop it in the fridge if I want a cooler effect. This helps quite a bit with puffiness and pillow face. It’s a good quality acupressure tool that’s aesthetically pleasing, looks good on the shelf and great for on the go. I also use it to apply my skincare products. It allows for easy distribution and feels like having a facial. I haven’t noticed long term improvements yet but it’s helped with reducing aches and pains.
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Does the job nothing special
Its well made and study, and does the job but didn't find it was luxury feeling and didn't do much of a good job, it's definitely one that I wouldn't go out my way and buy
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Great help for de-puffing!
Interesting tool, it took me a few days to find the best way to use it. And I did: with my face oil! It helps with puffy eyes, it helps my facial oil to be easily absorbed, it is fun and easy to use. I also like very much the fact that the whole packaging is 100% recyclable. I do recommend using it with a face oil, thick cream, never without a skincare product.
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Easy to use
I've never had one of these gadgets before, so I thought I'd try it out. I've used for just over a week now, but haven't really noticed any visible changes. I do find it very relaxing to use and I honestly feel like it has helped with a few minor headaches. The instructions are very small on the packet, but there's a QR code you can scan to get more information.
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Love it
I wasn’t sure when I first got it as I thought it was small. BUT I LOVE IT. Perfectly balanced weight, fits in my hand really nicely. Perfect size tbar that stays nice and cool. When I had a headache it was really nice using the acupuncture pressure point application. Loved massaging my face while applying my skincare. Rose gold. 0 plastic packaging which is something again that I love! I can not rate this tool highly enough ! If I could pick 10*s I would
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Ideal for Relaxation
A really handy tool to have in your skincare collection. This acupressure tool helps massage key pressure points on the face, it's great for a skincare fanatic as it helps absorbtion of one's skincare products. It's a metal design, small enough to use by applying medium pressure onto the face. It can be used around the eyes too.
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Great little tool
Couldn’t wait to use this great little tool. It’s lightweight and honestly feels great. I suffer with headaches and migraines and using this tool between my eyes helps relieve tension. I’ve been told it’s great for a face massage too with a little face oil to help glide easily. I will definitely be using this as part of my daily facial routine
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Sephora Collection este o gama completa de produse pentru baie, ingrijire, machiaj si accesorii pentru toate nevoile si dorintele. Diverse si variate, creative si rafinate, concepute cu respect pentru calitatea autentica, aceste produse au fost create pentru a transforma frumusetea intr-o placere accesibila tuturor, simpla, distractiva si intotdeauna in tendinte!

sephora collection
Instrument de presopunctura - Pentru relaxarea si masarea cu precizie a fetei.
Fab little tool
This acupressure tool is so cute and really easy to use. Theres clear instructions on the back of the pack and after having a few attemptsi got the hang of it. My face feels more brighter and refreshed after using. Defo 5 stars *****
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