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Jimmy Choo Man este o aroma efervescenta care intruchipeaza spiritul barbatului Jimmy Choo: un stil deschis, masculin si sigur, cu un simt rafinat al detaliului si o tusa rebela de umor.O feriga aromata lemnoasa, care se deschide pe un zbor de lavanda amestecata cu mandarine. In centru, notele proaspete de muscata se imbina cu frunza de ananas pentru a compune un acord delicios. La baza, cea mai frumoasa secventa de paciuli, inima de paciuli, da o nota sofisticata acestei arome. Flaconul gri fumuriu, inspirat de o fiola veche, evoca imediat masculinitatea datorita liniilor puternice si epurate.Ambalajul sofisticat este intregit de iluzia optica de piele de crocodil stantata in relief, intr-un amestec de culori contrastante, asemenea unei sculpturi din metal.
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Pulverizati pe punctele de puls ale corpului: incheieturi, baza gatului, in spatele lobilor urechii, la incheietura bratului. Nu frecati mainile imediat dupa ce aplicati parfumul, acest gest poate schimba mirosul.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
Note de varf: un nor de lavanda si mandarina, indulcit de notele fructate de pepene verde. Note de inima: piper roz, geranium si frunze de ananas, un semn de originalitate. Note de baza: patchouli, piele de caprioara si lemn de chihlimbar.
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128 recenzii
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128 recenzii
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Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 18 și 24
It smells amazing
I got this awhile ago and this Cologne smelled really good. I had to get one for myself and my brother. Definitely worth the price. It has this seductive smell just like how to the description says. I definitely recommend getting this
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Very Pleasing
This has a very pleasing earthy woodsy scent that is not too strong but just enough to capture some attention. My brother uses it and get tons of compliments and it can even be used by women as well tbh. Very appeasing to the nose!
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Love this scent!
I bought this for my boyfriend a while ago because he was in deep need of a new cologne. He previously had been using Polo by Ralph Lauren for as long as I can remember. When we first tried this I was blown away by how potent it was. One spray lasted him almost the entire day and the scent was great. It’s a pretty masculine scent that really fresh and not sweet at all. It has a little bit of musk to it and some saddle wood notes. Definitely recommend this cologne.
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 25 și 34
I got Choo baby!
OMG! If you are like me that your nose dictate your life, you will get crazy, fall in love, get crazy again jajajajaja the Jimmy Choo Man perfume is all about sexiness, elegance, seduction, classy. You will smell a man you will think is a model from a magazine, all a man need to smell, long duration all day long also at night you can still feel the perfume and we dance and sweat all day. Get it for your man!!! You will fall in love everyday
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Great woody smell
My teenager is starting to be interested in perfumes. This was a great addition to his collection. It has a nice pleasant woody smell with a little bit of fruity tint to it. It's nice and not too overbearing. One spray lasts for hours. Really like the simplicity of it.
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Genul: Barbati
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Fresh and safe
Not overpowering. Fresh. Gets the compliments from the ladies. Good packaging and bottle lasts and it’s strong but not a nostril burner. Doesn’t stain my shirts or clothing. The bottle is good quality sprayer
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Smells SO good!
This cologne smells SO good. It’s a long lasting scent and a spray or two is all you need, a little goes a long way. The bottle is glass with a spray top that you push down to use. It’s easy to spray with just one hand. The bottle shape reminds me of a flask. It’s a curved glass design. The scent is a manly scent with hints of Amber, suede leather and wood with a little bit of a fruity end. It’s a sweet smell but kinda spicy, a very good blend. You will get compliments when you wear it, it smells so good! Buy it for yourself, give it as a gift. You won’t regret it. Highly recommend.
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Sabrina M.
Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 35 și 44
Love at first spritz!
After reading through the notes, my husband wasn’t too convinced that he would enjoy Jimmy Choo Man but it was love at first spritz! The name and packaging are rather uneventful. The bottle itself is simple but large and made out of heavy glass. It won’t catch your eye and won’t stand out from other perfumes but it’s what inside that matters most! Slightly sweet, a little bit fruity, but at the same time woody and earthy. All of the notes go so well together and form a light and not overpowering, masculine fragrance which is great for everyday use. The atomizer is amazing! It disperses a super fine mist which makes you wonder if you even sprayed at all. Sillage and longevity isn’t all that great but Jimmy Choo Man has still managed to become my husband’s new signature scent!
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 45 și 54
Smells good
Jimmy Choo Man reminds me a bit of cologne from the past, like something a grandpa would wear, so I didn’t expect my 15 year old to like it, but he really does, along with everyone else that has smelled it. It’s not overpowering and the bottle is a nice size that will last for awhile. I would definitely recommend it.
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 45 și 54
Really Good Scent
I gave this Jimmy Choo Man Eau de Toilette to my son who is very particular about the colognes he wears. He sprayed it the first time onto a piece of paper and was not too impressed with the scent. He smelled it again about an hour later and liked it a little more. By the end of the day he sprayed it on himself and now loves it. It is little strong when you first spray it on, but the clean citrusy scent lasts all day. .
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 45 și 54
Great scent!
This smells so manly! My husband does not wear a lot of cologne because he does not like to wear overpowering scents to the office. Jimmy Choo Man is a perfect solution. I love how it smells on him and he says that the scent is not too strong. He did mention that by mid-day, he does not really notice the scent anymore, but he would recommend it to others.
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Ladies, get this for your Man!
I got this for my fiancé and I’m so glad that I did. This cologne smells unbelievable. It’s manly and sexy. My fiancé really likes the sent himself and he’s really picky about scents. If your a man considering this cologne….don’t hesitate. This would also make a great gift for any guy in your life. The bottle is really nice, it’s dark but see through and the lid has some leather accent to it along with the silver. It’s a beautiful bottle, so it looks great on the vanity.
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 25 și 34
Jimmy Choo Man
I received this to try so I gave it to my husband And he enjoyed it. One small spray and the smell lasts for hours. The scent is light and refreshing not overwhelming. We both like the smell and it has become a go to cologne for him.
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Parfumurile Jimmy Choo sunt obiecte de dorință care extind stilul și însăși esența brandului.Parfumuri dedicate femeilor îndrăznețe, delicate și sofisticate.

jimmy choo
Jimmy Choo Man - Eau de Toilette
Good Cologne
I like the cologne. It smells pretty good and lasts a long time. A complaint I do have is that when it arrived the top plastic was cracked. It didn’t affect the product functionally but it does make it look weird
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