Loose Setting Powder Travel Size - Pudra pulbere de fixare

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Rafineaza, ilumineaza si seteaza-ti machiajul cu pudra Anastasia Beverly Hilss Mini Loose Powder.Formula sa ulltra-fina se aplica cu usurinta, in timp ce absoarbe sebumul si minimizeaza stralucirea, pentru un finish impecabil mat. Disponibila intr-o singura nuanta translucida universala, aceasta formula estompeaza imperfectiunile si prelungeste durata machiajului, pentru un ten impecabil.
- O formula lejera, matasoasa, care se aplica usor si fixeaza machiajul, pentru un finisaj neted, impecabil si mat
- Se topeste i piele pentru a rafina, ilumina si seta machiajul pe tot parcursul zilei
- Absoarbe sebumul, minimizeaza stralucirea si matifiaza tonul pielii
- Pulberea fina estompeaza vizibil liniile fine, imperfectiunile si porii
- O nuanta trasnlucida universala
- Formulata fara gluten si fara ulei
- Testata clinic, sub control dermatologic si non-comedogen
- Vegan si fara cruzime
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
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Rafineaza, ilumineaza si seteaza-ti machiajul cu pudra Anastasia Beverly Hilss Mini Loose Powder.
Formula sa ulltra-fina se aplica cu usurinta, in timp ce absoarbe sebumul si minimizeaza stralucirea, pentru un finish impecabil mat. Disponibila intr-o singura nuanta translucida universala, aceasta formula estompeaza imperfectiunile si prelungeste durata machiajului, pentru un ten impecabil.
- O formula lejera, matasoasa, care se aplica usor si fixeaza machiajul, pentru un finisaj neted, impecabil si mat
- Se topeste i piele pentru a rafina, ilumina si seta machiajul pe tot parcursul zilei
- Absoarbe sebumul, minimizeaza stralucirea si matifiaza tonul pielii
- Pulberea fina estompeaza vizibil liniile fine, imperfectiunile si porii
- O nuanta trasnlucida universala
- Formulata fara gluten si fara ulei
- Testata clinic, sub control dermatologic si non-comedogen
- Vegan si fara cruzime
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Dupa aplicarea fondului de ten, fixeaza-ti look-ul cu pudra Mini Loose Setting Powder.
incepe prin a pune o cantitate mica de pudra pe pleoapa.
Apoi apasa pudra in partea laterala a unui burete de machiaj sau a unei pensule pentru pudra, indeparteaza excesul de produs si aplica printr-o miscare circulara usor apasata pe zonele pe care doresti sa le fixezi. Concentreaza-te pe ochi si pe zona T.
Pentru un rezultat natural, foloseste o pensula mare pentru pudra pentru a aplica pudra pe fata.
Pentru tenul gras, utilizeaza o perie mica pentru pudra sau A23 Pro Brush pentru a aplica pudra in zonele care tind sa straluceasca.
Recomandarile specialistului:
- Aplica Mini Loose Setting Powder cu varful unui burete de machiaj pentru a-ti fixa cu precizie produsul in zonele greu accesibile.
- Foloseste nuanta translucida in zonele pe care vrei sa le iluminezi pentru un efect de stralucire.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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22 recenzii
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22 recenzii
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Perfect for the summer !
Absolutely love it! It has a lightweight, silky texture that sets my makeup beautifully without feeling heavy or cakey. Definitely a must-have
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I’ve used this setting powder for forever. It lasts me a super long time, even though I used the mini and always makes my makeup look flawless. It eliminates my pores and makes my face so snatched
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Love this product!
I’m really happy with the Anastasia Beverly Hills loose powder! The packaging is sleek and elegant, and it has a subtle, pleasant scent. The coverage is buildable, and the texture is finely milled, giving a smooth, natural matte finish that lasts all day.
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Wonderful setting powder
This is a great setting powder. First off the jar is huge. Its roughly twice the size of a standard jar of setting powder. The value of product that you get is phenomenal. The powder itself is finely milled and sets makeup beautifully. There is a bit of a white cast at first but it does fade quickly. This is not the first time I've purchased this powder and likely it won't be my last.
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Loose Setting Powder
I love this setting powder so much, formula is very cool, after put this product wrinkles become invisible.. It is Long lasting and unscented setting powder❤️
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Love this product!
The Anastasia Beverly Hills Loose Setting Powder in Translucent is highly regarded for its ability to set makeup with a flawless finish. This powder is finely milled, ensuring a smooth, airbrushed look that helps to blur imperfections and control shine. It provides a translucent finish that works well across various skin tones without adding unwanted color or texture. The powder is lightweight and doesn’t feel cakey, making it ideal for both baking and everyday setting. Additionally, it has a long-lasting formula that keeps makeup in place throughout the day. Overall, it’s a top choice for those seeking a reliable, high-quality setting powder that delivers a refined, matte finish.
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Genul: Femeie
Varsta: Între 18 și 24
so worth it!
it’s such a good product! I was amazed by the good quality! It really sets my makeup so good, I bought the mini one, but when it finishes I will purchase the bigger one!!
Recomandă acest produs: Da
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O adooor!
De când am început să o folosesc m-am îndrăgostit de ea! Este o pudră cu o textura mătăsoasă care îmi fixează fondul de ten pe toată durata zilei. Consistentă ei este extrem de fină și lejeră, lăsându-mi tenul matifiat. După aplicare tenul este mult mai luminos! O adoooor!
Recomandă acest produs: Da

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So I love the fact that you get so much powder ! The packaging is so nice and the shade range is good. I love to use it under my under eye for coverage and finish . The texture is super nice !
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lasts years
have used this power for years! literally doesn’t finish and I like how it sets my makeup. Has a lot of product and nice packaging, very compact i like it
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Worth the hype
I like this powder! It doesn’t have a strong scent and it doesn’t give me flashback. It also sets my face quite nicely. I got mine in the shade translucent!
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This is a great powder!
This an amazing powder and gives me the best finish! It blurs my under eyes and sculpts my cheeks so well. It also looks great when lightly dabs on the cheeks because it controls the oiliness while keeping the glow. The packaging is also great it’s not as messy as others.
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Blurs skin
The Anastasia Translucent Loose Powder has become a staple in my makeup routine, thanks to its remarkable ability to blur imperfections and leave behind a beautifully smooth finish. Its lightweight texture effortlessly sets my makeup, ensuring a long-lasting, flawless look throughout the day. One of the standout features of this powder is its exceptional blurring effect. It seems to magically diminish the appearance of fine lines, pores, and uneven texture, providing a soft-focus effect that enhances the overall complexion. This quality makes it an excellent choice for achieving that coveted airbrushed finish. However, it's important to note that the shade leans towards a rather intense white tone. While this may work well for some skin tones, it can be a bit too stark for others. For those with lighter complexions, it tends to seamlessly blend in, contributing to a bright and radiant appearance. On the flip side, those with medium to darker skin tones may find it challenging to make the color work without a noticeable contrast. Despite the potential drawback of its whiteness, the blurring capabilities of the Anastasia Translucent Loose Powder are undeniable. It excels in creating a refined and polished look, making it a go-to product in my collection. To maximize its benefits, I recommend using a light hand during application and blending thoroughly for a seamless finish.
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Anastasia Beverly Hills este una dintre cele mai puternice marci ale industriei: ea ofera categorii noi si produse revolutionare in lumea frumusetii. Marca este cunoscuta pentru formulele sale pentru definirea sprancenelor, conturarea ochilor si pentru paletele create pentru modelarea si evidentierea trasaturilor fetei.

anastasia beverly hills
Loose Setting Powder Travel Size - Pudra pulbere de fixare
My favourite!
I tried the Anastasia Beverly Hills Loose Setting Powder and it left a pleasant impression on me. Finish – mattifies the skin, but does not make it “flat”. It looks natural, without the effect of dryness. Texture – very finely dispersed, light, spreads well. Fixation – perfectly fixes makeup, preventing the appearance of oily shine. Stays on the skin all day. Volume – a large jar (25 g), enough for a long time. Does not emphasize pores – beautifully smoothes the texture of the skin. The powder is ideal for oily and combination skin, as it mattifies and fixes makeup well. Dry skin will also appreciate it if applied moderately. An excellent option if you need a reliable and light finish without overloading!
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