Nr.0 Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment™ - produs de ingrijire a parului

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Nr.0 Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment™ - produs de ingrijire a parului
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150,00 Lei (1)
96,77 Lei / 100ml
155 ml 155 ml

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  • Descriere

    Pregateste-ti parul pentru o reparatie profunda, acasa, cu acest pre-tratament inspirat din produsele profesionale, care intensifica efectele N°3 Hair Perfector™. Formula foarte concentrata intareste legaturile disulfurice pentru a repara cele mai profunde deteriorari si intareste imediat parul atunci cand No.0 este folosit impreuna cu No.3. Dovedit clinic - 68 % mai multa reparare* Parul este cu 68 % mai neted, mai usor de descurcat si mai revitalizat* Reduce ruperea firelor de par cu 65 % ** * Cand se utilizeaza impreuna, intr-o singura folosire N°.0, N°.3 si N°.4. ** In caz de utilizare impreuna cu N°.4

    Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

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Pregateste-ti parul pentru o reparatie profunda, acasa, cu acest pre-tratament inspirat din produsele profesionale, care intensifica efectele N°3 Hair Perfector™. Formula foarte concentrata intareste legaturile disulfurice pentru a repara cele mai profunde deteriorari si intareste imediat parul atunci cand No.0 este folosit impreuna cu No.3. Dovedit clinic - 68 % mai multa reparare* Parul este cu 68 % mai neted, mai usor de descurcat si mai revitalizat* Reduce ruperea firelor de par cu 65 % ** * Cand se utilizeaza impreuna, intr-o singura folosire N°.0, N°.3 si N°.4. ** In caz de utilizare impreuna cu N°.4

Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

Pe parul uscat, aplica si repartizeaza uniform de la radacini pana la varfuri. - Lasa sa actioneze timp de 10 minute. Nu clati. Aplica No.3 Hair Perfector™ si piaptana. - Lasa sa actioneze timp de 10 minute. Clateste bine. Foloseste samponul N°.4 si balsamul N°.5. Foloseste in doua etape cu N°3 o data pe saptamana sau de 2 - 3 ori pe saptamana, pe parul foarte deteriorat.

Rezultate de la prima utilizare: [Imagine de Devan] IMAGINI NERETUSATE* * Rezultatele pot varia. Rezultate obtinute prin ingrijirea parului cu N°.0 Intensive Bond Building Treatment si N°.3 Hair Perfector™, apoi curatarea cu sampon N°.4 Bond Maintenance®, revitalizarea cu masca hidratanta N°.8 Bond Intense si aplicarea produsului N°.6 Bond Smoother® pe parul umed inainte de coafare. [Imagine de Taylor] IMAGINI NERETUSATE* * Rezultatele pot varia. Rezultate obtinute prin ingrijirea parului cu N°.0 Intensive Bond Building Treatment si N°.3 Hair Perfector™, apoi curatarea cu sampon N°.4 Bond Maintenance®, revitalizarea cu balsamul N°.5 Bond Maintenance® si aplicarea serului N°.9 Bond Protector Nourishing Hair pe parul umed inainte de coafare.


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Packaging Needs Help

I love the actual product but the packaging is lacking. I would like a larger size option and I wish the spray nozzle had an actual spray setting instead of only a stream. It is hard to evenly distribute on my hair.

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Great but sprayer is awful

Olaplex, love your products so much but what in the world are we doing with this sprayer? Literally any other mister would have worked but this is like a thin straight shot I have to apply in hands wasting product and then applying to hair. I think this works good but won’t purchase again unless a different sprayer is used.

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Sprays funny- making a real mess, also it's not a life changer- no difference if u use it with no3, or just no3 by itself. Personally, I won't be buying it again.

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Significant difference

I really notice a significant difference when I use this before applying no 3 treatment to my hair. Easy to spray in my hair and doesn't hurt my wrists as I have carpal tunnel and have a harder time with sprays. 10/10 for me

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So far I've been using this in the repair bundle. My main issue is the bottle shoots a single stream vs a spritz. In addition, the amount of product I have to use on my thick hair for this is insane. I used this 3 times and the bottle is almost gone. I wish it came in a bigger size.

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Good stuff but the spray nozzle breaks every time!

Lost a star because the spray nozzle breaks every time and drives me absolutely insane lol

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Terra J.


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Good product, but bottle needs an overhaul

I have fine, black hair, and bleaching does some serious damage. I'd definitely say this stuff combined with the No.3 helps with bleaching damage quite a bit. The substance itself is top-tier for a hair repair product. That said, the spray bottle is not adjustable between a smooth stream and a mist, like most spray bottles are. It just sprays a stream. With a product like this, which is supposed to evenly coat the hair, this is the opposite of what you'd want. The stuff winds up on your scalp in concentrated spots, rather than evenly coating the hair. It's gotten to where I don't even use the spray top anymore, and just use my hands. Either way, it's wasteful. This is particularly bad considering this is not a cheap product. I like the company's products, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here. But too many companies these days do things like this so you'll consume the products faster and have to re-up quicker, in the name of milking a few extra bucks. For a premium brand I don't think this is acceptable. I hope Olaplex will fix this in the future.

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Please fix the bottle!

Product works amazing but the spray bottle is AWFUL and it makes applying it extremely difficult!!!!

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Absolutely does nothing!

Doesn’t do anything for my hair. I have very long, thick Asian hair that has been bleached both at a salon professionally and at home to a number 8-10 platinum blonde. I needed to use a regular routine of hair masks and only wash my hair every other day. I’ve tried long leave in masks from Amika and To The People and Oribe products and they all help a little bit, especially the hair masks and natural oils I use. I heard so many good things from videos and stylists who use olaplex so I wanted to give it a try and bought the whole set - no. 0, 3, 4,5, 6, 8 - it was NOT worth the cost or time it takes to use these products.

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Good product, awful sprayer

Great product, but bad sprayer. It comes out in a stream, not a mist, so a lot misses my hair or goes straight to my scalp. So much got wasted during the first use that I finally put it in a different spray bottler. With so many people complaining about this feature I don’t know why they haven’t changed it yet.

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Change the nozzle

Nozzle sucks I don’t understand why it has to spray like that, so much product is wasted.

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Oleplex number 0 caused allergic reaction in the areas on my face where it touched my skin. It left very red and angry looking streaks on my face which I washed out right away and it faded after an hour or so the reason I was afraid to use it again. I used oleplex number 3 along with oleplex shampoo and conditioner which left my hair a lot softer and smoother. I am very disappointed I cannot use this product considering how damaged my hair is and with that would caution other customers to look for possible reaction.

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Better nozzle please!

I have been using No.0 for about 7 months now, on shoulder length fine curly hair. Using No.0, 3 and various other olaplex products has made my hair lovely and soft, and it is good for the curls. I would love to say it has helped my breakage problem, but to be honest I dont think it has helped. But I will continue trying! I am really put off buying this again as the powerful jet nozzle makes it extremely hard to use! I dont know how much actaully makes it on to the hair, even when spraying it on to your hand first it splashes off your hand with the force of the spray! I dont know how it got through R&D but hope it gets fixed 🤞

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B. Thompson


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Decent for 4b/c Afro Hair But Made Me Cough

So far, my hair looks really good and does not look as frizzy as it was looking prior to using this product. I've only used this along with the system twice. However, I am only giving it 3 stars because both times I have used this product, I started coughing quite a bit. I am going to discontinue using the treatment only because the coughing is concerning for me. The other products did not cause any reaction or coughing for me, just the No. 0 treatment.

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