Première Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur - Pre-sampon decalcifiant
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*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 09/01/25-22/01/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online.
Première Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur este un salvator al parului deteriorat, cu efect decalcifiant si fortifiant, de la Kérastase. Continutul de calciu din apa dura poate afecta si mai mult parul dumneavoastra deja sensibil, suprasolicitat si decolorat. Acest concentrat contine acizi puri ce reduc acumularile excesive de calciu si nu numai - el patrunde in profunzime, reparand parul din interior spre exterior. Parul devine mai puternic si elimina aspectul tern si lipsit de viata. Acest gel transparent este un produs star pentru parul dumneavoastra, ce repara considerabil deteriorarile persistente si reface legaturile rupte de cheratina pentru a spori rezistenta si structura parului. Cauza persistenței părului deteriorat:
• Kérastase a identificat cauza - calciul.
• Noile cercetări arată că de fapt calciul, benefic pentru sănătatea generală, acționează negativ asupra părului.
• Părul deteriorat absoarbe de 3 ori mai mult calciu din apa dură decât părul sănătos, acumulând un exces de calciu.
• La fiecare contact cu apa, calciul se acumulează, creând daune persistente.
• Calciul se strecoară între lanțurile de cheratină și rupe legăturile acestora.
• Rezultatul este un păr rigid, fragil și predispus la rupere. Beneficiile Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur:
• Decalcifica* si reduce considerabil daunele persistente.
• Eliberează parul de acumularile excesive de calciu.
• Reconecteaza legaturile rupte dintre lanturile de cheratina* pentru un par mai puternic de la interior.
• Parfumul memorabil Portofino Summer va trimite cu gandul la insorita Italie,prin cocktailul de citrice si mandarina inconjurat de tonuri de flori de portocal si iasomie. Rezultate:
• Reface 99% din rezistenta initiala a parului*
• +97% structura interioara intarita*
• -93% mai putin par rupt**
• +75% mai multa stralucire** par de 2x mai moale** „*Test instrumentaldupa 6 aplicari ale ritualului Première Concentré + Bain + Fondant /Masque **Test instrumental“ - Mod de utilizare
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• Kérastase a identificat cauza - calciul.
• Noile cercetări arată că de fapt calciul, benefic pentru sănătatea generală, acționează negativ asupra părului.
• Părul deteriorat absoarbe de 3 ori mai mult calciu din apa dură decât părul sănătos, acumulând un exces de calciu.
• La fiecare contact cu apa, calciul se acumulează, creând daune persistente.
• Calciul se strecoară între lanțurile de cheratină și rupe legăturile acestora.
• Rezultatul este un păr rigid, fragil și predispus la rupere. Beneficiile Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur:
• Decalcifica* si reduce considerabil daunele persistente.
• Eliberează parul de acumularile excesive de calciu.
• Reconecteaza legaturile rupte dintre lanturile de cheratina* pentru un par mai puternic de la interior.
• Parfumul memorabil Portofino Summer va trimite cu gandul la insorita Italie,prin cocktailul de citrice si mandarina inconjurat de tonuri de flori de portocal si iasomie. Rezultate:
• Reface 99% din rezistenta initiala a parului*
• +97% structura interioara intarita*
• -93% mai putin par rupt**
• +75% mai multa stralucire** par de 2x mai moale** „*Test instrumentaldupa 6 aplicari ale ritualului Première Concentré + Bain + Fondant /Masque **Test instrumental“
Mod de aplicare: • Aplicati pre-samponul cu generozitate pe varfurile si lungimile umede, inainte de samponare si masati. • Lasati sa actioneze timp de 5 minute. • Nu clatiti. • Pentru a maximiza eficacitatea, aplicati direct peste Première Bain. • Clatiti si continuati cu Première Fondant sau Masque. In cazul contactului cu ochii, clatiti cu apa din abundenta.
Kerastase a descoperit motivul din spatele deteriorarilor persistente: CALCIUL! Parul deteriorat este mai poros si absoarbe de 3 ori mai mult calciu din apa (fata de parul sanatos), ceea ce duce la o acumulare excesiva de calciu. La fiecare contact cu apa, calciul se acumuleaza, creand daune persistente. Calciul se strecoara intre lanturile de cheratina si rupe legaturile acestora, lasand parul rigid, fragil, predispus la rupere. Concentratie de 8% acizi puri. Eliberati parul de acumularile excesive de calciu cu acid citric, un acid organic care actioneaza de la interior spre suprafata, pentru a neutraliza aspectul tern si rigiditatea. Odata eliminat calciul, glicina - un aminoacid, patrunde in stratul interior al parului, reparand in profunzime. Rezultatul - legaturile rupte dintre lanturile de cheratina sunt reconectate, reducand considerabil ruperea.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
In cazul contactului cu ochii, clatiti imediat cu apa din abundenta.
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Hoggy mum
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First time using a pre-shampoo
I have waited a while before writing this review as this was the first time trying a pre-shampoo treatment. First of all it came in a nice ,premium feeling packaging. The texture is nice, smells good (not a strong one which is okay). It's easy to apply too and instructions are easy to follow. The first result won't be a massive transformation but it will overall help your hair to get stronger and it helped my curls to come back close to their original shape when used with the full treatment products (it takes time to heal a damaged hair, especially if it's almost destroyed by bleach). I'm overall happy with the product.
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Fab range!
I am really enjoying using this range. I’ve tried a pre treatment product before and it noticed a difference but with this one I feel it’s an important part of the routine! I feel my hair is getting stronger!
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Easy to use and lightweight
Lovely to use and lightweight. Looks a bit oily but feels great in your hair. Subtle smell.
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Salon Hair at Home
If you want Salon hair but at home this is your treatment. Refresh, smooth, deep condition, whilst cleaning and strengthen your hair. The shine is unreal.
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Great pretreatment!
I am pleasantly surprised by this. I rarely use preshampoo treatments, and this has changed my mind. It prepped my hair and gave it a feeling of strength and a smooth texture.
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It work so well making hair smooth
It work so well on split ends and makes hair so smooth after the wash
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Absolutely fantastic!
This pre-shampoo treatment has a very nice scent. It needs to be left on wet hair for 5 min (which took me a while to get used to). I had a chance to try it for nearly 3 weeks and the difference in my hair is massive. From very dull, dry, and breaking off easily, due to chemical and heat damaged hair, I ended up with silky, smooth and glossy looking one! Highly recomment to everybody who wants to have healthier looking hair!
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After using this hair feels very light and looks shiny. But it won't help with split ends and or deeply damaged hair.
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Deep cleansing, yet nourishing hair
I love using the Kérastase Première Decalcifying Repairing Pre-Shampoo Treatment. It nourishes the length of my hair and protects it from the shampoo that usually dries my hair and makes it look dull. I feel my hair is clean and smooth after every use. Since it's applied at the same time as shampoo, it's amazing as it provides a solution for each hair section. My hair looks healthy, shiny, and smooth. It hasn't looked this good since I started dying it, so it's impressive.
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Helps to make it easier to shampoo
I like the packaging and the size and how it helps to strip the hair of any oils and product build up before shampooing its light weight and easy to use and rinse out and makes shampooing easier.
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Simple Yet Effective
Very easy to use. A little goes a long way. You can feel the difference after the 1st use.
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Repairing Pre-Shampoo Treatment
Comes in a nice beautiful packaging. Easy to use and there is a lot of product in the bottle, which is quite nice in this day and age. It easily applies on the hair and instructions are easy to follow. Makes shampooing hair so much easier. However, I didn't notice any changes to my hair after religiously using it for 4 weeks. It could be that my hair is too damaged to revive, however, I was hoping to see some improvement in my hair.
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Best pre shampoo treatment I’ve used
I have never tried this brand before and I was special of how it would work on my curly / wavy hair that’s very dry/ frizzy and damaged from colouring it. I found it worked really well and made my hair feel soft and nourished.
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Kérastase ofera solutii personalizate specifice nevoilor scalpului, parului si stilului de viata al femeilor si al barbatilor. Ne inspiram din ingrijirea pielii, aducand conceptul de SKINIFICATION in ingrijirea parului. Formulele noastre contin cele mai eficiente ingrediente: acid hialuronic, niacinamide, vitamina E, acid salicilic. Brandul continua sa fie pionier in ingrijirea parului prin inovatii revolutionare si experiente senzoriale.
Première Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur - Pre-sampon decalcifiant
Amazing results!
Noticed an improvement the first time I used this. My hair is thick, dry and wavy, as well as being menopausal. I live in an area with dreadfully hard water, constantly descaling the kettle but I didn’t ever consider the effect this was having on my hair, I used the pre-treatment, shampoo, and conditioner and immediately noticed how much softer and shinier my hair was, it’s miraculous and I’m in love!
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