Rosehip Bioregenerate - Ulei facial cu maces
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*Oferta exclusiva pe si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 25/02/25-18/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta disponibila pentru prima comanda online.
Superputerile acestui ulei sunt obtinute printr-un procedeu de extractie cu CO2 pentru a capta intreaga magie a semintelor si fructelor de maces. Un produs esential in ritualul tau de infrumusetare.
Pentru ce tip de piele?
Este potrivit pentru toata lumea! Mai ales daca pielea ta are nevoie de putina stralucire sau daca ai pielea sensibila, cu imperfectiuni sau eczeme.Mai multe informatii despre Clean at Sephora si Planet Aware at Sephora [AICI]
Naturality : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
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Superputerile acestui ulei sunt obtinute printr-un procedeu de extractie cu CO2 pentru a capta intreaga magie a semintelor si fructelor de maces. Un produs esential in ritualul tau de infrumusetare.
Pentru ce tip de piele?
Este potrivit pentru toata lumea! Mai ales daca pielea ta are nevoie de putina stralucire sau daca ai pielea sensibila, cu imperfectiuni sau eczeme.
Mai multe informatii despre Clean at Sephora si Planet Aware at Sephora [AICI]
Naturality : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Maseaza 2-3 picaturi de ulei pe pielea usor umezita, pana la absorbtia completa.
Testat clinic si dermatologic, acest produs este formulat de Pai in Londra cu ingrediente naturale si organice de cea mai buna calitate.
Potrivit pentru pielea predispusa la eczeme.
Uleiul de Trandafir Salbatic ofera mult mai mult decat stralucire pielii tale. In forma sa cea mai pura, ca a noastra, are o multitudine de beneficii.
Concentratiile ridicate de Omega 3, 6, 7 si 9 repara pielea, iar carotenoizii antioxidanti o protejeaza impotriva agresiunilor externe.
Soil Association Organic
Fara Cruzime fata de Animale
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
In caz de iritatie, intrerupe utilizarea produsului.
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941 recenzii
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941 recenzii
Lauren B.
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Joanna W.
Beautiful rosehip seed oil
Lovely exquisite oil but still waiting for results to appear.
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Rebecca R.
Gorgeous oil. It’s so much better than the cheap rosehip oils available in elsewhere. I add a few drops to my moisturiser and use it day and night. The slight orange tone disappears quickly.
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Lily L.
I’ve been using this for a year or so now and really like putting it on at bed time.
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Deborah S.
Gorgeous oils
Gorgeous oils that completely replenish my skin. Great for overnight use
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Lincoln B.
Rosehip face oil
The rose hip face oil is incredible! I always get rashes from shaving and the pai rosehip oil is helping massively.
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Julie H.
Love rosehip face oil
Love everything about the rosehip face oil. The smell, the colour and most importantly the way it makes my skin feel. Non greasy, it makes my skin feel soft and smooth
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carol f.
Wow, started using morning and
Wow, started using morning and night and immediately felt and saw the benefits. Peachy skin, such a fabulous product, thank you x
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Shinayne A.
Lovely addition to new routine
Completely switched up my skincare routine to add more moisture but prevent breakouts. This has been perfect as I wanted an oil suitable for my face that was as natural as I could find. My skin has transformed. Wake up glowy and moisturised. Also smells to me like a cup of tea which I quite enjoy.
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Tracey J.
Calmed flare
Had a horrible skin flare up around my eyebrows and the rose hip oil has helped to calm everything down. Also my skin feels soft and looks bright! All great!
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Carl T.
My skin is very sensitive
My skin is very sensitive and I have psoriasis so always cautious to use new products, particularly serums. However my skin had no bad reaction at all, and if anything it soothed it. Hard to tell if it’s this specific product or the combination I’m using (serum, the anthemis and rosehip oil) but I’ve definitely seen an improvement in my redness and plaques, particularly on my face. My only negative is the serum and moisturiser combination do leave my skin feeling quite dry, so end up using a fair bit of the moisturiser (it isn’t cheap!) and sometimes have to use an organic balm from another brand that seems to lock in moisture a little better.
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Emily C.
My skin is on the drier side of combination, and over the winter I have been struggling with a dull, dry complexion, and my skin almost seemed to be sagging and my fine lines were really showing. In the day, I use Love and Haight moisturiser from Pai, with the Hyaluronic Acid booster, and these work great, but overnight the moisturiser didn't seem to affect my skin as effectively as during the day. I was waking up looking worse each day as winter draws on. I once tried castor oil as the trends recommend, but it sat very heavily on my skin and made my undereye area dark and heavy. I had a sample of this Rosehip oil arrive with my moisturiser last summer, and I loved it, but didn't order it after I ran out - when I went to renew my moisturiser, I reordered it to see if it would help during the winter. It has been an instant life saver for my skin. It is hydrated, literally glowing when I wake up (I don't even look as pale as normal) and my skin is so so plump now. I saw a difference after the third night. My skin drinks up moisture, so I think it was parched, and the oil was the perfect salvation and nourishment I needed. My complexion has evened out too in the process, and I feel a reduction in sensitivity to wind and cold. Could not recommend more. It is very potent and effective.
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Fran S.
Can’t live without this now!
I absolutely love this rosehip oil. I use it every night after cleansing and retinol. It keeps my skin hydrated, soft with a nice glow. I’m probably on my third or fourth bottle.
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Laura G.
Rosehip Face Oil for All Skin Types
Truely amazing!I have been using it morning and night after serum and before moisturiser and it instantly smooths, nourishes and creates a glow. It’s not greasy, it absorbs perfectly. I would say better than other rosehip oils I’ve tried and with instant results. It’s the most important and beneficial part of my skincare routine!
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Produsele Pai sunt concepute pentru persoanele cu piele sensibila, de catre persoanele cu piele sensibila. Noi cunoastem cu exactitate nevoile acestui tip de ten, din acest motiv produsele noastre sunt fabricate plecand de la ingrediente atent selectionate pentru proprietatile lor.
Produsele Pai utilizeaza exclusiv ingrediente de origine vegetala.

Rosehip Bioregenerate - Ulei facial cu maces
Love how my skin feels
Love how my skin feels after applying the oil. My skin feels nourished and looks brighter. I really chamomile and rosehip moisturiser also.
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