Sève de Bamboo - Gel pentru conturul ochilor
Ca o gura de aer rece si proaspat, Sève de Bamboo Eye ajuta la reducerea semnelor de oboseala: riduri aparute in urma deshidratarii, piele uscata sau pungi. Formula sa bogata in apa, contine un complex de bambus ce contribuie la hidratarea pielii fragile din jurul ochilor. Atenueaza aspectul semnelor de oboseala, pentru o privire luminoasa, odihnita si reimprospatata.
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- Compozitie
- Ingrediente
Erborian - "Ierburi din Orient" a luat nastere din intalnirea a doi pasionati, Hojung Lee, om de stiinta coreean si Katalin Berenyi, ambasadoare a frumusetii. Ei impartasesc acelasi vis: sa transmita lumii secretele frumusetii din Coreea.
"Am creat Erborian cu Hojung ca ceva natural. Femeile din intreaga lume au un singur lucru in comun: o frumusete unica, autentica și naturala" - Katalin Berenyi, Presedinte si co-fondator.
Sève de Bamboo - Gel pentru conturul ochilor
Redness Reduction
I've been trying out Erborian’s CC Red Correct, and I have to say, it’s been a game-changer for my skin. Right from the start, I noticed it does a great job at reducing redness and giving my skin a more balanced look. The green tint worried me at first, but it magically blends into my skin tone, leaving a really natural finish—not cakey or heavy at all, which is a big plus. The formula is super lightweight and includes centella asiatica, which is known for calming the skin. I think this is why it actually seems to help with any swelling or irritation I have. Plus, it feels like I’m getting a mini skincare treatment while I wear it. If you’re looking for something that provides a bit of coverage while helping with redness, I definitely recommend giving this a try.
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