Signature Naturelle - Eau de Parfum

3.9 351 recenzii
Signature Naturelle - Eau de Parfum
Chloé Eau de Parfum Naturelle este o apa de parfum pentru femei care combina forta si spontaneitatea ... Afla mai multe

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1.386,67 Lei / 100ml

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  • Descriere
    Chloé Eau de Parfum Naturelle este o apa de parfum pentru femei care combina forta si spontaneitatea naturii cu spiritul liber al femeii Chloé. Fireste eleganta, autentica si constienta, aceasta traieste in perfecta armonie cu natura pe care o pretuieste si care o inspira. Vegana si formulata cu un parfum 100% natural, apa de parfum pentru femei combina ingrediente cultivate in mod responsabil cu alcool de origine naturala pentru a va oferi o prospetime infloritoare pe tot parcursul zilei. Fiecare soapta delicata a trandafirului organic lemnos iconic va va purta intr-o calatorie printr-o atmosfera naturala si linistita. Trandafirul organic, cules manual, este ingredientul cheie al acestui parfum pentru femei, dezvaluind o mireasma cu un caracter aparte, feminin, completat de neroli marocan. Esenta proaspata si delicata de citrice se imbina cu coacazul negru verde stralucitor pentru a dezvalui un caracter puternic, in timp ce notele de baza de cedru adauga o fateta lemnoasa puternica. Mimoza senzuala subliniaza caracterul rotund al parfumului si pune in valoare notele florale.
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  • Ingrediente

  • Note olfactive
Chloé Eau de Parfum Naturelle este o apa de parfum pentru femei care combina forta si spontaneitatea naturii cu spiritul liber al femeii Chloé. Fireste eleganta, autentica si constienta, aceasta traieste in perfecta armonie cu natura pe care o pretuieste si care o inspira. Vegana si formulata cu un parfum 100% natural, apa de parfum pentru femei combina ingrediente cultivate in mod responsabil cu alcool de origine naturala pentru a va oferi o prospetime infloritoare pe tot parcursul zilei. Fiecare soapta delicata a trandafirului organic lemnos iconic va va purta intr-o calatorie printr-o atmosfera naturala si linistita. Trandafirul organic, cules manual, este ingredientul cheie al acestui parfum pentru femei, dezvaluind o mireasma cu un caracter aparte, feminin, completat de neroli marocan. Esenta proaspata si delicata de citrice se imbina cu coacazul negru verde stralucitor pentru a dezvalui un caracter puternic, in timp ce notele de baza de cedru adauga o fateta lemnoasa puternica. Mimoza senzuala subliniaza caracterul rotund al parfumului si pune in valoare notele florale.

Pulverizati pe punctele de puls ale corpului: incheieturi, baza gatului, in spatele lobilor urechii, la incheietura bratului. Nu frecati mainile imediat dupa ce aplicati parfumul, acest gest poate schimba mirosul.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

Note de varf: Esenta de cedru, Absolut de muguri de coacaze negre Note de mijloc: trandafir organic, esenta de neroli Note de baza: esenta de cedru, absolut de mimoza

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Recenzie spontana fara confirmare de cumparare

Doesn’t last long

I took a great amount of time reading reviews everyone saying stays on all day and lovely fresh clean scent. Very natural. I jumped in blind with a 50ml bottle and I must say it is a beautiful fresh scent. My favs are white roses and I love how similar it smells. BUT after about 20/30 minutes I can barely smell it ?! I assume those that smell of it all day spray on their clothing ? Because once settled on skin it’s very very mild. I find this disappointing for the cost of it and being parfum is meant to last much longer

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Long lasting, but not my taste

This perfume is natural origin which is plus, the packaging (box) represents this idea perfectly by its colour and how simple it looks. The bottle is pretty and appealing, looks very modern and luxurious yet simple. The bow on the bottle is gorgeous and matching to the box. Lovely size as well, easy to carry in hand bag. One-two sprays is sufficient for maximum effect, and no need topping during the day. It lasts really long on the skin and is durable fragrance, it lasts the whole day and even next morning I can still feel it. On immediate application it feels fresh and cool, intense and woody, however after few moments it becomes milder, sweet and flowery, citrus and rose notes appear. For few hours it feels sharp to my nose with some musky notes, which don’t feel comfortable to my senses. By the end of the day and next morning it appears as soft, sweet flowery notes. Even tho this is long lasting perfume, belongs to a beautiful and luxurious brand, it is not the scent which I like, I don’t feel confident wearing it and it’s not to my tasting. In my opinion this fragrance would suite elder people and those who love roses, sweet, musky and flowery perfume. I would not recommend and would not buy.

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Cumpărător verificat

Chloe Naturelle Eau de Parfum

Lovely spring like scent. Smells fresh and lasts all day.

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Recenzii de testeri

Okay Perfume

The scent was okay, but it wasn't very strong and it didn't last long. I don't think it would be a go-to scent for me. It didn't really wow me.

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not for me

Well. The scent is okay. It’s very light and I don’t like scents that are barely there. It’s just not strong enough for me and not special. Plus we should’ve got a bigger bottle.

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Recenzii de testeri

very ok

I thought the smell was a little “old lady” for me and wasn’t a huge fan. It’s long lasting though

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Recenzii de testeri

honest review

I love the smell of this perfume need to get the full size. i would recommend getting this product if you are in the looks for a new perfume. This perfume has a smell that isn’t overwhelming which is great to have in a perfume. overall love the smell and the product and will be purchasing the full size bottle soon.

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Great light scent!

The first thing I noticed about this fragrance is that it is vegan! That is amazing! I have never heard of a vegan fragrance before, so this is new! It is also made with ethically sourced ingredients! This fragrance is light and formatted with organic rose essence and enhanced with notes of neroli and cedar. This fragrance is light on my skin and is not too overpowering. Not only does this product smell good, but the product is also eco-conscious. I would definitely recommend this fragrance to my friends!

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Recenzii de testeri

nice but..

This perfume was sent to me complimentary from influenster, got a small sample, it’s not really my type of perfume it has a citrusy fresh scent don’t really remember the sent exactly but not for me, you’re better off going in person to smell and make your own decision

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Recenzii de testeri

love this scent

Such a light & feminine scent! I really love this for everyday wear and date night. Very versatile and not too heavy or overwhelming

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I loved!

wow it really is fascinating, a delicate, elegant aroma, sweet notes that can be used during winter, a perfume that is undoubtedly present wherever you are. I loved this fragrance!

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Recenzii de testeri

Pleasantly surprised!!

This is such a great everyday scent! It’s has a pretty floral scent that’s not overpowering and still unique compared to other perfumes I’ve tried. This is my first time using a Chloe perfume and I’m very pleasantly surprised! I’d purchase the full size!

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Smells like heaven

I truly love the floral notes of this perfume. It’s long lasting and keep its smell all day. I would definitely buy the bigger size, as my small sample size is almost gone! A little bit on the neck does go a long way! Would highly recommend this to anyone!

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Nice perfume. It's got a light and fresh scent. Not quite sure if it's for me, but Chloe has always been my mom's favorite perfume, so I think she'd love it.

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In mai putin de cinci ani, Casa Chloé a creat o semnatura olfactiva care poate fi imediat recunoscuta. Interpretari ale elegantei si prospetimii, parfumurile liniei cu acelasi nume isi tes istoria in jurul aceleiasi flori: trandafirul. Declinat in patru variante delicate, trandafirul Chloé absoarbe stralucirile zorilor, ca si misterul noptii.
O gradina de trandafiri speciala, in care petalele flirteaza cu prospetimea, gratia si spiritul sofisticat Chloé.