Sun Care Cream for Body UVA/UVB 50+ - Crema pentru corp
Crema solara pentru corp asigura o protectie ridicata pentru toate tipurile de piele, in orice
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Crema solara pentru corp asigura o protectie ridicata pentru toate tipurile de piele, in orice circumstanta (indiferent de destinatia si activitatea practicata). Parfum exotic cu aroma insorita de mandarine, portocale si coacaze negre. - Protectie UVA si UVB [SunFilterComplex] - Protejeaza impotriva fotoimbatranirii (SunPlantComplex - o combinatie 100% vegetala de 6 extracte din plante: Spic de aur, Platan, Maslin, Baobab, Mazare si Aloe Vera) - Protejeaza pielea si parul de soare, radicali liberi si deshidratare pentru a dezvalui cel mai frumos bronz - Respecta coralii - Rezistenta la apa si la transpiratie - Hidrateaza - Se absoarbe rapid fara a lasa urme albe - Textura fina, efect uscat si catifelat.
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Brandul Clarins s-a nascut din dragoste, dragostea si respectul lui Jacques Courtin-Clarins fata de frumusetea femeilor. De la deschiderea primului Institut Clarins la Paris, in 1954, odata cu lansarea produselor de ingrijire din gama de top, Clarins lucreaza fara incetare pentru a oferi fiecarei femei tot ce e mai bun din natura, cautand elementele active pretioase pentru piele.

Sun Care Cream for Body UVA/UVB 50+ - Crema pentru corp
Best Sun Cream
I personally have a hatred for sun cream. I find most brands difficult to apply; not particularly absorbent and leaves your skin feeling sticky and greasy. I dread applying it because I always feel as if I need a shower straight after. Just detest that sticky feeling. But, I’m so fair skinned and with red hair suncream is a must. I have been looking for a new brand that delivers without being sticky, greasy and takes forever to rub in! I came across this and it promised a matt, velvety finish. I am so glad I tried this. Yes, it is more expensive but worth every single penny. A few reviews I read were negative stating the smell was ‘cloying’ and the formula had changed. Being new to this product I cannot compare to a previous version but can say how pleased I am. The smell is not unpleasant and it absorbs super quickly. And most of all it does not leave a sticky or greasy feeling to the skin. Absorbs perfectly. I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘velvety’ but it is absolutely brilliant. I am converted and happy to pay the extra for something that means my hair no longer sticks to me (ending up greasy) after applying. Well done Clarins!!
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