Super Restorative Remodelling Serum - Serum remodelant
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*Oferta exclusiva in SEPHORA APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 11/12/24-30/01/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte.
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Brandul Clarins s-a nascut din dragoste, dragostea si respectul lui Jacques Courtin-Clarins fata de frumusetea femeilor. De la deschiderea primului Institut Clarins la Paris, in 1954, odata cu lansarea produselor de ingrijire din gama de top, Clarins lucreaza fara incetare pentru a oferi fiecarei femei tot ce e mai bun din natura, cautand elementele active pretioase pentru piele.
Super Restorative Remodelling Serum - Serum remodelant
I was really excited when I received this product and for £82 I was expecting great things. I followed the instructions provided using a small amount of the product then followed with the exercises. The serum left a tacky feeling on my skin and did feel uncomfortable on my skin. My makeup also did not look as good when applied over this serum. I persevered with this serum for over a week, but have stopped using it now, as it has not improved with continued usage. I have reverted back to my trusted Estee' Lauder New Dimension Serum which leaves my skin feeling silky smooth and my make up looks lovely when applied over this.
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