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Ce este?
noua pensula buffer™ revolutionara de la tarte™ pentru o aplicare similara aerografului, insa fara aer™ De ce il iubim?
- o pensula pentru fondul de ten ultra-delicata si bombata
- fondul de ten se potriveste perfect pe piele
- un maner unic din bambus de calitate foarte ridicata
- un rezultat fara defecteVegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
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- Ingrediente

Ce este?
noua pensula buffer™ revolutionara de la tarte™ pentru o aplicare similara aerografului, insa fara aer™ De ce il iubim?
- o pensula pentru fondul de ten ultra-delicata si bombata
- fondul de ten se potriveste perfect pe piele
- un maner unic din bambus de calitate foarte ridicata
- un rezultat fara defecte
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Recomandari de utilizare:
aplica o cantitate mica de produs pe dosul palmei. Cu ajutorul pensulei pentru fondul de ten zero defecte din bambus, ia o cantitate mica de produs. Aplica in centrul fetei, apoi intinde produsul spre exterior. Produsul se topeste pe piele datorita miscarilor circulare usoare, pentru un rezultat impecabil si fara urme.
Recomandari de intretinere:
tine peii pensulei sub apa calda, evitand sa uzi si manerul. Aplica o cantitate mica de sampon pe firele de par, apoi freaca usor pentru a crea spuma. Clateste cu apa din abundenta pana cand aceasta este limpede. Stoarce usor, apoi plaseaza pensula pe o suprafata plana si las-o sa se usuce in aer liber. Curata pensula ori de cate ori consideri ca este nevoie.
Perie din bambus ecologic si materiale sintetice.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
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62 recenzii
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62 recenzii
Cynthia L.
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Anne F.
I love how smooth the buffer brush evenly spreads my foundation. Perfect coverage! Easy to clean too!
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Saskia B.
Best foundation brush
Helps apply foundation so even I love it and the bush is so soft.
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Amanda G.
Makes my skin even and
Makes my skin even and keeps the product light and wispy!!
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Fell apart
The bristles started coming out in clumps in about a year. Only use it about once per week, so maybe after 50 uses it fell aoart
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Rachel F.
Amazing tool!
This brush has been a game-changer for my foundation and BB cream. It’s so soft and the application goes on flawlessly! I can’t believe I’m 40 years old and this is my first time owning one…I only wish I had gotten it years ago. I loved it so much, I immediately got the concealer one too!
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Jennifer H.
Airbrushed foundation
Excellent coverage with an airbrushed finish. A YouTuber I watch raved about this brush but I held out bc of the cost. But I got a sale on it and now I wished I bought it sooner. This replaces all my other foundation brushes. I love the coverage and application. The bristles are full and soft.
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Kathy r.
The buffer brush
I loved this rush, but it got so bad. I had to wash it and now the hairs are coming out of it.
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Get it!
I'm not a brush fan, I love my sponges, but after seeing so many Tik Tok videos of this brush I broke down and bought it. OMG. The application of the face tape foundation went on so smooth! I've tries so many brushes and given up - this is an absolute game changer.
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An absolute Must have!
This brush is no lie a GAME CHANGER. I don't have good skin and this brush has made my foundation application perfect! I use this with the Amazonian 16 hr Matte Foundation (my other Must have) and the difference is drastic. I was an IT Cosmetics brush girl and turned my nose up at this brush several times (sorry). I got it in a Tarte set and was giving the brush to my daughter. I tried it 1 time...., my daughter still needs a brush. She can't have this one. If they discontinued these? I would buy 20 for back up. Everyone needs this!
Recenzie postată iniţial pe tartecosmetics.com
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Hannah B.
Soft and blended
Really like the density and softness of this brush. Blends great.
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Candace C.
Sets foundation perfectly
Such a great, dense brush for applying foundation. Plus the handle is short enough to give extra control.
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This brush is by far the best I’ve used! It’s incredibly soft. I mostly wear the tinted moisturizer, but also occlude it for foundation as well. It works flawlessly with both! Creates an exceptionally smooth finish. Great purchase!
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Michaela V.
Easy daily brush
So easy for blending liquid blush and highlight! Gives much more matte look than other blenders out there
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In anul 2000, Maurice Kelly, care s-a autodescris ca fiind un "makeup junkie", a incercat sa demonstreze ca glamour-ul poate fi benefic tuturor femeilor, infiintand TARTE in micul sau studio din New York.
Suntem pionieri in folosirea produselor naturale de inalta calitate, iar astazi, formulele castigatoare Tarte si ambalajele eco-chic se comercializeaza in peste 200 de tari, fiind laudate de catre editorii revistelor de frumusete, influenceri si celebritati.
La Tarte, noi credem in eliminarea barierelor de pe taramul frumusetii si in stergerea stereoripurilor. Noi credem in performanta si in naturalete, in creativitate si in puterea ingredientelor.
Noi nu facem niciun compromis cand vine vorba despre ceea ce punem pe piele si voi ar trebui sa faceti acelasi lucru!

The Buffer™ - Pensula fond de ten
Buffer brush beauty
I love this soft, full buffer brush on my 70 year old face. Beautiful.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe tartecosmetics.com