The Face Oil - Ulei pentru ten
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Inspirat de cei 30 de ani de cercetare si inovatie, acest ulei restaurator, cu absorbtie rapida, hraneste in profunzime, calmeaza si regenereaza pielea fetei. Uleiul este formulat pe baza complexului nostru exclusiv TFC8®, care combina aminoacizii naturali, vitaminele de calitate si moleculele sintetice pentru a favoriza procesele de reparare naturale ale pielii.
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Expertul in cercetarea celulelor stem, profesorul Augustinus Bader, a petrecut 30 de ani descifrand procesul innascut de auto-vindecare al corpului uman. Rezultatul? Un tratament revolutionar bazat pe Trigger Factor Complex, TFC8®, pentru a optimiza vizibil reinnoirea pielii.
augustinus bader
The Face Oil - Ulei pentru ten
Nice but fragile
Great product however it degrades in the heat. Summer happens and this company has not made attempts to correct the situation. I received two bottles and both were smelling, and the company has not tried to fix the problem. I have contacted them several times to inform them of this issue to no avail. I was lucky to get the first one replaced so the second bottle was not too bad, but still has a foul odor.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Augustinus Bader