The Ritual of Sakura - Lumanare parfumata

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The Ritual of Sakura - Lumanare parfumata
Luminati calea spre un nou inceput cu aceasta lumanare, luxurianta parfumata. Inspirat din parfumul ... Afla mai multe

125,00 Lei (1)
43,10 Lei / 100g
290 g 290 g
43,10 Lei / 100g

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  • Descriere
    Luminati calea spre un nou inceput cu aceasta lumanare, luxurianta parfumata. Inspirat din parfumul revitalizant al florii de cires si al laptelui de orez. Lumanarea dureaza pana la 50 de ore.
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Luminati calea spre un nou inceput cu aceasta lumanare, luxurianta parfumata. Inspirat din parfumul revitalizant al florii de cires si al laptelui de orez. Lumanarea dureaza pana la 50 de ore.

Cand aprinzi pentru prima data lumanarea parfumata, las-o sa arda cel putin 3-4 ore pana cand stratul superior s-a topit. Aceasta da o combustie regulata. Utilizeaza lumanarea parfumata pentru a crea o ambianta linistitoare inainte de a merge la culcare sau de a te ghemui pe canapea. Imagineaza-ti ca aspiri si expiri lumina lumanarii parfumate.

Sfat : Odata ce lumanarea este consumata complet, refoloseste sticla ca vaza pentru flori sau plante.

Sfaturi de meditatie: Concentreaza-ti atentia pe flacara care palpaie si relaxeaza-te.

Suport pentru lumanari 100% sticla.

Delicatele flori de Sakura (cires japonez) sunt adesea descrise ca fiind „zapada de primavara” de catre poetii japonezi. In Japonia, acestea simbolizeaza din cele mai vechi timpuri puritate si reinnoirea naturii. Parfumul lor floral delicat este incredibil de relaxant.

- Beneficii calmante
- Efect relaxant datorita aromei naturale florale delicate a florii de cires

The Ritual of Sakura
Traditia japoneza a Hanami, sau „contemplarea florilor”, celebraza zborul florilor de cires, sakura. La fel ca viata insasi, frumusetea fragila a florilor de cires este pretioasa si efemera, asadar trebuie sa ne bucuram din plin de ea. Descopera The Ritual of Sakura si bucura-te de fiecare zi ca de un nou inceput.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

Nu lasa niciodata lumanarea nesupravegheata. Utilizarea lumanarilor se face pe propriul risc. Nu lasati niciodata lumanarile la indemana copiilor si a animalelor de companie.

Lapte de orez, floare de cires

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16 recenzii
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16 recenzii
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Recenzii de testeri

Such a gorgeous candle

Such a gorgeous scent that spreads right throughout the house. I love that it lasts for 50 hours too. The glass is such a gorgeous design and would look beautiful in any house.

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Beautiful candle to scent up your home.

I usually go for more fresh/clean fragrant candles. However, this candle/scent really surprised me. It was beautiful and spread throughout the whole of my downstairs. I received multiple compliments. The burn time says 50hours and that's roughly what I got. Using the candle twice a day for an hour was enough for the scent to pass through the house. Would purchase for others as a gift 🎁 However, out of my price range for a candle, unfortunately. Hence the 4 stars 😞

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Love the smell on this candle smells amazing! The look too looks expensive classy and perfect for a Christmas gift! Doesn’t burn that fast but it’s so cute I love it. Lasts long. And soot production lasts long.

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No smell

It's a pretty looking candle, which I like! But it has no scent to it at all? I had it lit for hours, and nothing? Nobody in the household could smell anything from the candle. The packaging was simple and gorgeous, great quality.

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Beautiful smelling candle

This candle smells amazing! I can smell it the moment I enter the room, and when it's burning it smells even better. The burn time is 50 hours which I think is great, the packaging looks expensive and the white glass jar the candle is in, is pretty and will suit any room with any decor. It's fabulous and I love it

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Beautiful smelling candle

the candle The smell is absolutely divine. I don’t know if there’s a person who would dislike this sent. Its beautiful, light, cherry blossom smelling...  it will last for ages and burns really slowly, very relaxing scent.

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Quality scented candle

Expensive looking Candle, Gives a lovely warm feeling when lit on an evening. A lovely waft of cherry everytime I enter the room. Everyone has made a comment on the aroma. Still going strong!

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Candle which is beauty of life and happiness

The Ritual of Sakura scented candle of rice milk and cherry blossom. This candle comes with beautiful and simple packaging which is perfect for a gift. I love that this candle is made from 100% natural rapeseed wax. The floral and sweet scents of this candlenual flowering are so relaxing and refreshing,the whole house smell divine . It represents the annual flowering of Sakura in Japan which symbolizes the beauty of life and happiness. Burning is quite good . Doesn’t have much soot like some other candles .

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Lovely scent and packaging

This candle is lovely! The packaging is very sleek and high end and the candle itself will be a great container once its empty! The scent on this candle lasts a long time I can still smell it the day after I use it and the smell itself is lovely and floral. Overall I’m very impressed with this candle, well worth the price!

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The Ritual Of Sakura Scented Candle deserves 10 stars

I was kindly gifted with The Ritual of Sakura Scented Candle for testing & review by Influenster & Rituals. A luxurious scented candle with the fragrance of Rice Milk & Cherry Blossom that lasts up to 50 hours , with a little production of soot and smoke. This scented candle is incredibly wonderful because just opening the box leaves hands fragranted . I leave it lit for about 20 minutes and OMG the whole house smells incredibly fragrant for hours with a delicious and soft fragrance of blossoms and a light smell of milk in the background, as well as making the whole house very calm and peaceful. The power of smell on the olfactory sense is impressive. This scented candle is a great companion for a relaxing bath in the bathtub , feeling of peace and well-being. Luxurious 290g packaging in frosted white glass with the Rituals logo in gold and the wax in pink color. The price of this scented candle is not very cheap but it is definitely worth every penny. I would like to give it 10 stars because this The Ritual of Sakura Scented Candle deserves it, definitely wonderful and I highly recommend it. I loved it, thanks Influenster & Rituals!

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Luxurious and stunning

The smell of this scent combination is so beautiful. You can feel you have a good quality product just from the feel of the box. It feels luxurious. The candle is a lovely size, it says it burns for 50hours. I opened the box and sniffed about 50 times before opening, I can not get enough of that smell. It provided a feel good factor as soon as I lit it. Laying in my bed relaxing with this gorgeous candle lighting up my bedroom. Stunning.

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Cherry smell

A beautiful a very beautiful candle for your salon,or even your room and bathroom,it smells nuce a calm,a cherry smell,i really enjoying it ❤️,it last for ages as i put it yesterday 5 hours and still looks full,the packaging is luxurious ❤️

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Amazing scent

Lovely candle with a good burn time and really good scent strength the projection around the room was amazing love the packaging a premium product

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Beautiful product. Love the packaging. Looks very sophisticated. Great as a present or just to treat yourself. Scent is lovely and not too strong. Candle is beautiful pink colour, recommended to burn first time for good few hours until whole top section is melted to prevent it burning into tunnel. Absolutely love it. Beautiful details and will make a beautiful part of decor.

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Ideea in jurul careia se defineste filosofia noastra este simpla: fericirea este compusa din lucruri marunte. Noi transformam rutina cotidiana in momente de pura placere datorita acestor produse magnifice. Scopul nostru principal: sa dam fiecarui lucru mic o atingere de lux. Aceasta pasiune veritabila este exprimata in fiecare produs creat.