The Ritual of Sakura - Parfum de interior

4.9 38 recenzii
The Ritual of Sakura - Parfum de interior
Parfumul de interior The Ritual of Sakura aduce o experienta olfactiva unica in locuinta ta. ... Afla mai multe

150,00 Lei (1)
30,00 Lei / 100ml
500 ml 500 ml

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  • Descriere
    Parfumul de interior The Ritual of Sakura aduce o experienta olfactiva unica in locuinta ta. Combinand aromele delicate ale laptelui de orez si ale florilor de cires, aduce in casa ta prospetimea revigoranta a primaverii. Pulverizeaza-l in jurul tau, in functie de marimea camerei. Cateva pulverizari sunt suficiente pentru a crea o atmosfera placuta. Confera o experienta olfactiva unica in casa ta. Acest parfum de interior combina parfumul delicat al laptelui de orez si al florilor de cires pentru un parfum placut, fin si cremos.
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  • Note olfactive
Parfumul de interior The Ritual of Sakura aduce o experienta olfactiva unica in locuinta ta. Combinand aromele delicate ale laptelui de orez si ale florilor de cires, aduce in casa ta prospetimea revigoranta a primaverii. Pulverizeaza-l in jurul tau, in functie de marimea camerei. Cateva pulverizari sunt suficiente pentru a crea o atmosfera placuta. Confera o experienta olfactiva unica in casa ta. Acest parfum de interior combina parfumul delicat al laptelui de orez si al florilor de cires pentru un parfum placut, fin si cremos.

Deschide duza prin rotirea acesteia. Pulverizeaza departe de fata si de corp. Tine recipientul in pozitie verticala si pulverizeaza cu miscari circulare in spatiul liber din jurul tau. Inchide duza rotind-o din nou. Pastreaza produsul in pozitie verticala.

In intreaga Asie, orezul este un simbol al abundentei, al bucuriei si al fertilitatii. Esenta laptelui de orez inmoaie si netezeste pielea, lasand-o radianta.

Florile fragile ale arborelui Sakura (ciresul japonez) sunt adesea descrise de poetii japonezi ca fiind „zapada primaverii”. In Japonia, acestea au simbolizat dintotdeauna reinnoirea naturii si puritatea. Parfumul lor delicat este incredibil de relaxant.

(E)-2methoxy-4-(prop-1-enyl)phenol, Linalool

Această listă de ingrediente poate suferi modificări. Vă rugăm să consultați ambalajul produsului cumpărat.

PERICOL. Lichid si vapori foarte inflamabili. Poate provoca alergii cutanate. Provoaca iritatii oculare grave. Nociv pentru organismele acvatice, provoaca efecte adverse pe termen lung. In cazul consultarii unui medic, pastrati recipientul sau eticheta la indemana.A nu se lasa la indemana copiilor. A se pastra departe de caldura, suprafete fierbinti, scantei, flacari libere si orice alte surse de aprindere. Nu fumati. Evitati eliberarea in mediul inconjurator. IN CAZ DE CONTACT CU PIELEA: Spalati cu multa apa si sapun.IN CAZ DE CONTACT CU OCHII: Clatiti cu precautie cu apa timp de cateva minute. Indepartati lentilele de contact in cazul in care victima le poarta si daca pot fi indepartate cu usurinta. Continuati sa clatiti. Eliminati continutul/recipientul intr-o unitate autorizata de eliminare a deseurilor. CONTINE (E)-2-metoxi-4-(prop-1-enil)fenol, linalool

In intreaga Asie, orezul este un simbol al abundentei, al bucuriei si al fertilitatii. Esenta laptelui de orez inmoaie si netezeste pielea, lasand-o radianta.

Florile fragile ale arborelui Sakura (ciresul japonez) sunt adesea descrise de poetii japonezi ca fiind „zapada primaverii”. In Japonia, acestea au simbolizat dintotdeauna reinnoirea naturii si puritatea. Parfumul lor delicat este incredibil de relaxant.

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The best smelling room fragrance I have tried

The smell of this fragrance is phenomenal, it lasts such a long time after spraying around the room. The packaging is nice and sleek. I love them amount you get in the bottle too which will definitely last a long time as a little amount is needed.

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A little bit of luxury for every room

Yes this is pricey for a room scent but it lasts forever and the scent is really powerful. Currently using this in the bathroom but it leaves a lovely delicate floral scent in any room of the house. I absolutely love the delicate Sakura scent.

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Definitely recommend

I liked the scent and the bottle design. The scent strength is good. Definitely recommend to friends and family. Sustainable. Good brand, will be buying again

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Fresh and sweet

Absolutely beautiful scent, it's a very fresh smell with an added sweetness, a few sprays goes a long way and the smell lasts for a decent amount of time. The bottle is a great size and the spray make it easy to use as and when you need it, unlike an automatic air freshener . Didn't realise how much I liked the smell of cherry blossom until now.

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Luxurious spray

Great value for money looks very luxurious. Smells divine and lasts for a long time. Sprays a decent amount and goes far the packaging is beautiful.

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I love this product

Scent is nice and strong cherry like I live in open plan house and when spraying in kitchen can smell it in living room almost immediately. Quality of package is very good . It’s aesthetically pleasing and good value . Definitely worth recommending and I will buy in future

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Excellent quality room spray

I absolutely love Rituals, excellent quality products and long lasting scent. Two sprays it will be enough to fill a room out in this amazing scent, you won't have to use loads to be effective. I truly recommend Rituals.

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That is one of the finest home perfumes I have ever used. The entire house is filled with a delightful cherry fragrance. Rituals consistently presents their products in the most aesthetically pleasing packaging. It is undoubtedly worth every penny spent.

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Absolutely lush

Love it. There are only positive things to say about this perfume. It smells so divine, and when paired with the candle, it's literally the icing on the cake. I have been using it everywhere around the home - sofas, curtains, bedsheets, you name it. The bottle is a beautiful pink (of course, matching the whole cherry blossom theme) and it's just so aesthetically pleasing too! I do like that it's a plastic as I have kids in the house and if they do get to it, i don't have to worry about it breaking (cue heart attack otherwise)

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Smell is amazing

This home perfume is absolutely amazing. The smell of cherry blossom is sweet and calming. The scent is setting and lingers for a long time, making my house smell amazing. The packaging is quite minimalistic but very beautiful, good amount of perfume in 500ml bottle. I’ve tried many home perfumes but Rituals always wins with the quality of its products.

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Top quality home perfume

The home perfume smells amazing had lots of compliments from family members , stays for a long time too, the smell is not too strong just perfect, quite large too , in a lovely pink spray bottle what else would you need. Top brand products

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Amazing! The scent is super strong and lasts the whole day. The spray bottle dispenses the spray in an even mist and doesn’t cause thing to get overly wet which can happen with a lot of other products. The bottle itself looks expensive and is certainly eye catching.

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This gift set is extremely amazing and beauty to look at and use. It has amazing scent which makes you feel ecstatic. The body cream is soft and moisturising. The candle has amazing smell and feels great to use. Amazing product. Its best to gift someone a small treat. The shower gel is the best part of the set it is very good to use and makes you skin soft for a long time. Although the best part of this set is this home perfume it has the sweetest smell. It makes my house smell amazing and flowery.

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Top quality

This is by far the best product of its kind on the market the scent is amazing it’s not to strong and not over powering at all this the bottle lasts for ages one squirt is all you need I am absolutely in love with this product

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Ideea in jurul careia se defineste filosofia noastra este simpla: fericirea este compusa din lucruri marunte. Noi transformam rutina cotidiana in momente de pura placere datorita acestor produse magnifice. Scopul nostru principal: sa dam fiecarui lucru mic o atingere de lux. Aceasta pasiune veritabila este exprimata in fiecare produs creat.