Waso Gel-to-Oil Cleanser - Gel de curatare

4.5 739 recenzii
Waso Gel-to-Oil Cleanser - Gel de curatare
Demachiantul Gel-in-Oil curata si indeparteaza profund machiajul pentru o piele reechilibrata, ... Afla mai multe

181,00 Lei (1)
144,80 Lei / 100ml
125 ml 125 ml

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 10/03/25-31/12/25. Oferta valabila pentru prima achizitie online. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Nu se aplica achizitiei de carduri cadou.

*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 13/02/25-13/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect.

  • Descriere

    Demachiantul Gel-in-Oil curata si indeparteaza profund machiajul pentru o piele reechilibrata, neteda si radianta. Elimina impuritatile, excesul de sebum si chiar machiajul impermeabil. Cu o textura non-lipicioasa, formula sa de gel se transforma intr-un ulei matasos, ultra confortabil pentru pielea ta.

    Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

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  • Descriere
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  • Ingrediente

Demachiantul Gel-in-Oil curata si indeparteaza profund machiajul pentru o piele reechilibrata, neteda si radianta. Elimina impuritatile, excesul de sebum si chiar machiajul impermeabil. Cu o textura non-lipicioasa, formula sa de gel se transforma intr-un ulei matasos, ultra confortabil pentru pielea ta.

Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

Foloseste dimineata si seara ca prim pas in rutina ta de ingrijire. Pentru toate tipurile de piele.

Gel-in-Oil Cleanser functioneaza instantaneu pe piele, care pare mai moale si mai supla, fara a o usca **.  95% au spus ca tratamentul nu a uscat pielea. 93% au spus ca pielea lor se simte mai moale

Produse fara ingrediente de origine animala.


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

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739 recenzii
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First cleanser that I'm completely satisfied.

I hesitate to use this product based on the reviews. Once I tried I love it! I recommend to use in winter time if you have normal or mixed skin. At night before go to sleep and if you don't want to use anything else just clean your face with this gel. That would help your skin. Also if you feel is to oily l, you can control that by rinse your face until you feel is not oily.

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This product looks great and I will definitely test it on my skin. So many positive comments about this product. It's really worth it.

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Recomandă acest produs: Da

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i love this face wash. i love that it has little to no scent, and it feels like it actually cleans. i works on dry skin too yo remove makeup

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Not for me

This is a good cleanser don't get me wrong, however I'm not a fan of the gel to oil cleansers. I feel like after washing my face it's left with an oily residue. Personally I like a gentle foaming cleanser or just a regular gel cleanser.

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One of my top cleanser

This product worked really well for my skin. I have combination (but more in the dry side) skin and this made me feel refreshed and put some bounce back in it. I would definitely recommend this to others with this skin type!

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WASO gel-to-oil cleanser

This is perfect if you have dry skin this hydrates your skin so perfectly so you have a fresh face this helps a lot it's like a makeup remover you put it on while you have makeup on and removes makeup instantly which is really helpful this product is a 10/10 and I recommend

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Clean face clean feeling

Love it it didn't feel like a bunch of chemicals on my face like most other face wash does. It didnt have a stinky smell either.

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Combination Skin

I liked the texture of this cleanser, it works well as something to use everyday to cleanse. It also takes off make up pretty well. It is soft, gentle and it doesn't strip off to much moisture. The only thing I can complain about is that it is not fragrance free.

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AMAZING for removing makeup

I have never tried to remove my makeup with a cleanser and when I tried it with this I was SOO surprise with how soft my skin was feeling right after. The oil cleanser really gave my face a nice glow after without making me feel like I was looking too oily/greasy. I really enjoyed using this product.

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Perfect Cleanser

I have sensitive skin so I'm always looking for new products that won't irritate my skin. I really liked using the cleanser and would definitely recommend

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I liked the minimal scent, however, I did not like the texture. My face didn't really feel clean after using it and it caused me to break out.

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Silky texture

I've never used a oil like cleanser before. It was different but it was really nice it has a silky texture that just helps glide the makeup right off. It really helps with getting stubborn mascara off which is really nice. I love the way this product works and I'll definitely keep using it especially when I need to take my makeup off.

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Not my normal type of cleanser but I loved it. Love that it just melts your makeup away. After I rinse I use my normal cleanser too but this is a great addition to my routine.

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No. Do not. Just don't.

This was so unpleasant. It comes out like firm jelly. I rub this on my face and I see how it's supposed.to turn into oil (because of the many different forms of silicone in it). It's on my face and firm. I try to wash it off. It won't wash off. It looks like oil on my skin in that water can't Pentwater this barrier. I keep trying to wipe it off. It leaves my skin looking very not oily. Very matte. It leaves a barrier on my skin. How are my creams and serums going to penetrate my skin after this. I do not like this very much. There's a lot in the bottle and the packaging is very cute. But I'm donating this, for sure.

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Angajamentul de a vă servi frumusețea.
Înființată în 1872 în Tokyo, Shiseido a fost prima farmacie de tip occidental din Japonia. Misiunea sa a fost de a oferi produse de îngrijire a pielii, machiaj și parfumuri de o eficacitate și siguranță de neegalat.
150 de ani mai târziu, Shiseido continuă să fuzioneze inovațiile orientale și occidentale pentru a dezvălui frumusețea interioară și exterioară a femeilor din întreaga lume.
Descoperiți o frumusețe sănătoasă și vibrantă datorită celor mai avansate tehnologii, precum și a senzorialității incomparabile inspirate de tradiția japoneză.