Water Bank Hydrating Gel - Crema-gel hidratanta

4.8 29 recenzii
Water Bank Hydrating Gel - Crema-gel hidratanta
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175,00 Lei (1)
350,00 Lei / 100ml
50 ml 50 ml

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*Oferta exclusiva pe sephora.ro si in APP, in limita stocului disponibil, in perioada 25/02/25-18/03/25. Oferta indisponibila pentru serviciul Click & Collect. Nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte. Oferta disponibila pentru prima comanda online.

  • Descriere

    Pentru ce tip de ten este potrivit? Normal Sensibil Gras Mixt O crema gel non-grasa, racoritoare, care hidrateaza pielea in intregime. Este solutia perfecta pentru: - Ten uscat - Culoare neuniforma a pielii - Aspect tern si textura neuniforma Cele sase minerale hidratante ionizate - zinc, magneziu, potasiu, calciu, sodiu si mangan - inlocuiesc si pastreaza hidratarea in timp ce calmeaza pielea. Textura sa usoara si racoritoare o face sa devina varianta ideala pentru vremea calda si tenul gras, avand absorbtie rapida si oferind hidratarea necesara. Nu contine parabeni sau ftalati. Acest produs este testat dermatologic. LANEIGE nu testeaza ingredientele si produsele pe animale. Mod de folosire: Aplica crema cu blandete pornind din centrul fetei spre exteriorul acesteia.

    Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

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Pentru ce tip de ten este potrivit? Normal Sensibil Gras Mixt O crema gel non-grasa, racoritoare, care hidrateaza pielea in intregime. Este solutia perfecta pentru: - Ten uscat - Culoare neuniforma a pielii - Aspect tern si textura neuniforma Cele sase minerale hidratante ionizate - zinc, magneziu, potasiu, calciu, sodiu si mangan - inlocuiesc si pastreaza hidratarea in timp ce calmeaza pielea. Textura sa usoara si racoritoare o face sa devina varianta ideala pentru vremea calda si tenul gras, avand absorbtie rapida si oferind hidratarea necesara. Nu contine parabeni sau ftalati. Acest produs este testat dermatologic. LANEIGE nu testeaza ingredientele si produsele pe animale. Mod de folosire: Aplica crema cu blandete pornind din centrul fetei spre exteriorul acesteia.

Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.

Dimineata si seara, aplica delicat pe pielea curata, dupa ser. Maseaza cu varful degetelor pentru o mai buna absorbtie.

Continua-ti rutina cu Crema pentru Conturul Ochilor cu Acid Hialuronic Bleu!

Acid Hialuronic Albastru Acid hialuronic cu masa moleculara mica, fermentat cu alge de la mare adancime, pentru o hidratare intensa a pielii. Masa moleculara scazuta a acidului hialuronic ii permite sa actioneze mai eficient asupra pielii.

Extract de Menta: Improspateaza si ajuta pielea sa nu fie grasa.

Tip de ten

✔ Normal
✔ Gras
✔ Mixt
✔ Uscat
✔ Sensibil

Problema tintita
- Piele uscata
- Piele terna si textura neuniforma
- Riduri si linii fine

Produs fara
- Parabeni
- Ftalati


Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.

1. Evita aplicarea produsului pe pielea inflamata sau cu rani deschise.
2. Pastreaza produsul la adapost de lumina directa a soarelui si nu il lasa la indemana copiilor.
3. Opreste imediat utilizarea produsului si adreseaza-te medicului dermatolog in cazul in care apare roseata.

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29 recenzii
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Genul: Femeie

Varsta: Între 18 și 24


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este hidratanta si f lejera pt tenul gras/sensibil/acneic. din fericire, avand mai probleme cu produsele de skincare, crema a fost geniala si nu am avut nicio pornelma

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Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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great skin

I highly recommend this moisturiser (complimentary from LANEIGE EUROPE”, the skin looks fresh and not oily in all day. I just need to add some powder bronzer and the result is amazing! Also I recommend to use it for guys! Glad I tried it!

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Varsta: Între 35 și 44


Recenzii de testeri

Light and hydrating

I received this complimentary from Laneige and Sleepers in exchange for my honest review and I have now been using it for a couple of weeks. The design of the pot is sleek and stylishly minimalist. It comes with a plastic spatula which makes application more hygienic than using your fingers and always feels a little more indulgent, don't you think? The gel mousturiser is clear, and contains lots of little whiteish micro moisture beads. Being a gel, it is very light when applied and feels very hydrating. I like feeling the moisture beads burst as it makes me feel the product has multiple layers of hydration. From the blue and clear colours used for the packaging and the product itself, to the use of fermented deep sea algae, this mousturiser is created to be like a splash of water on the skin whenever you need a moisture boost. I suggest experimenting with the amount which works best for your skin type. At first I would find it was leaving a feeling of residue on my skin after applying but by tweaking the amount I use on my normal to dry skin, it now leaves my skin feeling soft and a little plumper. It doesn't make my skin feel more nourished, so the cream version would probably suit you better if that's what you are looking for, but it's nice to use on warm days or when I need an extra moisture boost.

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Varsta: Între 35 și 44


Recenzii de testeri

Light and hydrating

I received this complimentary from Laneige and Sleepers in exchange for my honest review and I have now been using it for a couple of weeks. The design of the pot is sleek and stylishly minimalist. It comes with a plastic spatula which makes application more hygienic than using your fingers and always feels a little more indulgent, don't you think? The gel mousturiser is clear, and contains lots of little whiteish micro moisture beads. Being a gel, it is very light when applied and feels very hydrating. I like feeling the moisture beads burst as it makes me feel the product has multiple layers of hydration. From the blue and clear colours used for the packaging and the product itself, to the use of fermented deep sea algae, this mousturiser is created to be like a splash of water on the skin whenever you need a moisture boost. I suggest experimenting with the amount which works best for your skin type. At first I would find it was leaving a feeling of residue on my skin after applying but by tweaking the amount I use on my normal to dry skin, it now leaves my skin feeling soft and a little plumper. It doesn't make my skin feel more nourished, so the cream version would probably suit you better if that's what you are looking for, but it's nice to use on warm days or when I need an extra moisture boost.

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Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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Hydrating and light with great cooling effect

I had a pleasure to try this ultra hydrating range from Laneige and I was very impressed with results! This gel moisturiser is incredibly light and applies so easily on the skin with a wonderful cooling and soothing effect. I felt my skin absorbing it fast and immediately after was plumped with hydration. This texture is amazing especially for those hot summer days when you want a very light skincare routine that still keeps your skin hydrated and dewy without feeling too heavy or sticky. I received this product complimentary from LANEIGE EUROPE and I love it!

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Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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A very nice surprise

This water-based gel cream is made from deep-sea algae and blue hyaluronic acid through a double fermentation process, and it is refined using microfiltration. It also has calming effects on the skin. The secret to the long-lasting hydration activity is the use of molecules that are 2,000 times smaller than those found in regular hyaluronic acid. An ingredient from mint leaves in the face gel offers the skin a cooling sensation. My thoughts: Because I have combination skin, I'm constantly looking for ways to keep it moisturized without making it seem shiny or oily. I've found that the cream does wonders to make my skin seem dewy and beautiful. Additionally, I particularly like how it reduces shine and gives my skin a balanced, rejuvenated appearance. The watery gel's texture is quite soothing, and after application, the beads inside easily melt into the skin. Overall, I'm satisfied with the results. The product was received complimentary from Laneige Europe.

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Varsta: Între 18 și 24


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Great product leaving skin super hydrated!

Really enjoyed this product, left my skin feeling soft and hydrated instantly after use! After using the product for a while I did notice a change in my skin lowering the dryness and it felt as if there was a plumping effect. This leaving my skin soft, hydrated and glowy.

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Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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Would definitely recommend.

This product was very kindly gifted by LANEIGE. However, I will definitely be purchasing again! I have quite sensitive skin and eyes but this product was really nice on the skin and didn’t irritate me at all. Would definitely recommend!

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Varsta: Între 45 și 54


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Gorgeous texture

Gifted by Laneige 💙 Laneige Blue hyaluronic gel moisturiser 50ml. I'm loving this stylish blue pot, simply designed but looks so cute. On opening ohhh just look at that clear gel, with those tiny white bursts of hydrating beads. 💙 It's a total pleasure to apply, cooling and moisturising. Even though its a gel, its as hydrating as any thick creams I have. You can feel the little white beads when you first apply it, but as you rub it in they melt away, into the skin. It says for combination to oily skin, yet works really well on my normal to dry skin. It has a gorgeous scent that's not overpowering and soaks in beautifully, leaving a great base for my makeup. 💙 The ‘blue’ in the name refers to a form of hyaluronic acid that is fermented with deep sea algae smd delivers long lasting hydration. 💙 Mint leaf extract, cools and helps the skin feel oil free. 💙 Forest yeast extract provides soothing benefits for the skin. 💙 Hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested, and suitable for sensitive skin.

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Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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Gifted by Laneige. Laneige Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer has become an essential part of my skincare routine due to its impressive hydration benefits. However, it is important to note that this product does have a slight stickiness upon application, which may be a consideration for some people. Starting with the positives, the Laneige Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer truly excels in providing much-needed hydration to the skin. With its potent formulation featuring hyaluronic acid, this moisturizer effectively replenishes moisture levels and leaves the skin looking plump and rejuvenated. The lightweight gel texture adds to the refreshing experience, making it perfect for anyone seeking a burst of hydration. When initially applied, this moisturizer does have a noticeable sticky sensation on the skin. It takes a bit of time for the product to fully absorb and for the stickiness to subside. While this may bother some individuals, it's worth noting that once the product fully settles, the stickiness dissipates and does not leave behind a greasy residue. As a result, my skin feels hydrated and smooth without any discomfort. In terms of long-term hydration, the Laneige Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer does an exceptional job. Even during dry weather conditions, my skin stays moisturized throughout the day. This is especially beneficial for those with dry or dehydrated skin, as it helps restore and maintain a healthy moisture barrier.

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Varsta: Între 18 și 24


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Not pore clogging!! Glowy but not greasy

I really love this moisturiser because of how it feels on my skin, how the particles break down to make my skin look so incredibly glowy yet not greasy, I also love how there’s no oil inside as I’ve noticed because of it my pores have not been clogging up 🤍 gifted by LANEIGE EUROPE

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Varsta: Între 25 și 34


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Love Laneige

This product was gifted to me by LANEIGE EUROPE, i adore laneige and still yet to come across a product I don’t like, their packaging is by far the nicest and this cream does not disappoint! I love the texture and how it leaves my skin feeling so soft and hydrated!

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Sharon P

Varsta: Între 45 și 54


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Love it 😍

This was gifted to me by Laneige for my honest review thank you 💋 Love the packaging, the square design of the jar is beautiful and I love the spatula 🙌🏼😍 Not tried a gel moisturiser like this before, it contains Hyaluronic Acid spheres that burst when you apply it to your face. I Love that this is a water based moisturiser as some oil based ones can cause issues sometimes. I love Hyaluronic Acid and in a gel form like this it’s beautiful. Love the gel texture with the spheres which is new to me, this was perfect for my dry skin. I found it very hydrating and you really don’t need to use much of it, as a small amount covers your face and neck. When you apply it you feel a cooling effect which I really liked and it was very soothing, I’m guessing that’s the mint in it. It does leave a tacky residue which I found was a perfect base for my foundation. It is fragranced, but it is a light fragrance so this was ok for me, I didn’t have any issues using it. I Loved using this in my morning and night time routine. I highly recommend it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Varsta: Între 35 și 44


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Lightweight and hydrating

I was gifted by Laneige Europe in exchange for my honest review. To start off I would just like the talk about the packaging, it is just stunning! It comes I. The cutest tub with a scoop. It has micro beads in it and it feels so hydrating on the skin. With it being a gel it feels super light

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Succesul marcii LANEIGE se bazeaza pe tehnologia brevetata WATER SCIENCE ™. Toate produsele contin ingrediente active de inalta calitate si se bazeaza pe formule brevetate.

Bariera pielii devine mai slaba in timp. Expertii de la LANEIGE sunt convinsi ca o bariera slabita a pielii afecteaza nu numai aspectul, dar poate provoca și multe alte probleme. Un rol cheie in intarirea barierei de protectie a pielii este jucat de toate tipurile de apa. In peste 20 de ani de cercetare, tehnologia WATER SCIENCE ™ a fost perfectionata si este acum o parte integranta a fiecarui produs LANEIGE.
Trezeste la viata splendoarea naturala a pielii tale cu linia inovatoare LANEIGE!