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Womanizer PREMIUM 2 cu tehnologia originala Pleasure Air este creatia noastra cea mai pretioasa de pana acum - jucaria perfecta pentru femeile care cauta mai mult decat un simplu aparat cu care sa se distreze.
Cu 14 niveluri de intensitate - mai multe decat oricand - Womanizer PREMIUM 2 ofera un nivel de intensitate diferit pentru fiecare utilizator si pentru fiecare stare. Incepe bland si continua pana la un nivel puternic pentru a profita de senzatii din ce in ce mai puternice.
PREMIUM 2 iti ofera cea mai pura placere de inalta calitate, cu o functie de Autipilot imbunatatita pentru a te purta spre noi aventuri imprevizibile. Functia SmartSilence iti garanteaza ca aparatul nu se aprinde decat atunci cand detecteaza contactul cu pielea, ceea ce inseamna ca jucaria ta va ramane silentioasa daca nu o utilizezi. Ia cu tine aparatul Womanizer PREMIUM 2 acolo unde doresti, este etans IPX7, poti deci de asemenea sa profiti de el sub dus sau in cada pentru un moment de relaxare. - Mod de utilizare
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Cu 14 niveluri de intensitate - mai multe decat oricand - Womanizer PREMIUM 2 ofera un nivel de intensitate diferit pentru fiecare utilizator si pentru fiecare stare. Incepe bland si continua pana la un nivel puternic pentru a profita de senzatii din ce in ce mai puternice.
PREMIUM 2 iti ofera cea mai pura placere de inalta calitate, cu o functie de Autipilot imbunatatita pentru a te purta spre noi aventuri imprevizibile. Functia SmartSilence iti garanteaza ca aparatul nu se aprinde decat atunci cand detecteaza contactul cu pielea, ceea ce inseamna ca jucaria ta va ramane silentioasa daca nu o utilizezi. Ia cu tine aparatul Womanizer PREMIUM 2 acolo unde doresti, este etans IPX7, poti deci de asemenea sa profiti de el sub dus sau in cada pentru un moment de relaxare.
1. Porneste-l apasand pe butonul Pornit/ Oprit timp de doua secunde. LED-urile va indica faptul ca aparatul este aprins.
2. Utilizare: Inconjoara-ti clitorisul cu capatul de stimulare si asa incepe calatoria ta.
SMART SILENCE PREMIUM 2 nu se aprinde decat atunci cand aproape iti atinge pielea. Smart Silence va fi activat in mod implicit.
SMART SILENCE activat/ dezactivat: Apasa simultan pe butoanele + si - timp de doua secunde
3. Schimbarea intensitatii. Creste apasand scurt pe butonul +. Scade apasand scurt pe tasta -.
4. Opreste-l apasand pe butonul Pronit / Oprit timp de doua secunde.
Womanizer PREMIUM 2 stimulator clitoridian, ghid de pornire rapida, intructiuni de siguranta, saculet de depozitare din bumbac, cablu de incarcat tip USB (nu include adaptor), doua capete de stimulare
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
Inainte de utilizarea Womanizer, te rugam sa indepartezi piercing-urile sau bijuteriile din zona genitala.
In timpul utilizarii Womanizer, nu folosi geluri lubrifiante sau uleiuri de masaj parfumate sau care contin alcool, pentru a evita orice deteriorare.
Nu se mai recomanda gelurile lubrifiante pe baza de silicon. Daca doresti, este de preferat sa folosesti un gel lubrifiant pe baza de apa impreuna cu Womanizer.
Daca observi ca forma capatului de stimulare nu este inca optima, poti alege unul din cele doua capete de stimulare (S si M) incluse in continutul pachetului, pentru a experimenta o senzatie optima.
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60 recenzii
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60 recenzii
Never c.
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Not so great
I like my lelo better. This one hurts my hand and it's not as strong it also doesn't last long n the heads keep coming off
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Christine B.
It does absolutely nothing! Over
It does absolutely nothing! Over priced useless object.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Ann Summers
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Wanted to try this for a while but was too expensive. Received a 50% off one toy offer so grabbed it 😁. So glad I did ….. well worth the full price so should have got it sooner. This is mind blowing, orgasms one after another! If you are thinking of getting this just go for it and you won’t be disappointed.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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I've had this for about a week now, I'm a single woman so pretty reliant on toys for pleasure. It's definitely quieter than other ones I've owned, and I like the buttons and how it cuts out, although I don't think that feature is very sensitive. I've waved it around in the air and it's still carried on. I don't think there's any point in the first 5 settings, they're really weak even on a full charge. There's no pulse rate settings so it's just a constant bzzzz on all settings, but because the sensation is so weak I'd actually prefer something that went buzz bzzzzzzz buzz for some stimulation. I've had cheaper ones, like the rose, and whilst they're louder, I think they give better orgasms. I haven't had anything mind blowing, or earth shattering with this. In fact, I actually got my old one out the cupboard. Not a favourite and not worth the price.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Best toy I’ve ever had
I wish I could explain how much I love this thing! I’ve had lots of different toys in the past, my favorite being the rose toy everyone goes on about. I went out on a limb and decided to spoil myself with this and I will never go back. It’s amazing!!!
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Brace yourself!
The womaniser!! Wow what an absolutely amazing piece of kit!!! It's a necessity for anyone who wants to self love themselves to a spine tingling organism. I don't know how I managed to live without one for so long!
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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It is not as effective as a much cheaper one I purchased previously…am considering returning as faulty
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Don’t understand…
Unfortunately this doesn’t do a thing for me. I give up on it a couple times, not great.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Great purchase
Small and slim enough to have in my bedroom drawer ready for use. The vibration is just right. It certainly doesn’t take me long to orgasm when using solo or with my husband. Perfect addition in making those sexual encounters more pleasurable!
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So good!
Great size, doesn’t intrude in couple play, and does the job every time. Also fairly quiet, until you get it wet
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Womanizer Prem2
Taking a bit of getting used to. Hoping the vibration get stronger than at present.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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This is the second womanizer we have bought and my wife loves the feeling it gives her she says it is the best.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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This toy excels in all ways, its easy to hold and its 'texture' feels good. Its so easy to use, exactly the right shape and the various levels of vibrations really are happy making. Very little noise (from toy lots of noise from me) love, love my new friend!!
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney
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Womanizer PREMIUM 2 - Vibrator
Most awful and horrendous thing I’ve put down there
This was such a horrible and expensive disappointment. I can’t get rid of it, and it feels like a jackhammer but in the worst, cheap mechanics kind of way. I wish I could get my money back for what felt like pain and discomfort trying to use this disgusting excuse of a toy. Just awful. Any cheap vibrator will be leagues better than this garbage.
Recenzie postată iniţial pe Lovehoney