Yuza Super Serum - Serum de fata hidratant

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La Erborian, suntem atat de increzatori in ingredientele noastre super-coreene, incat le-am acordat un loc cu mandrie in sticla noastra: extractele lor sunt incorporate in proportie de 80%.Imbogatit cu vitamina c, cunoscut pentru proprietatile sale antioxidante, YUZA SUPER SERUM actioneaza precum un "scut zilnic". Acest serum ultra-lejer hraneste si protejeaza pielea de la deshidratare, ajutand in acelasi timp la protejarea de agresiunile externe. Obiectivul pielii revitalizate: la fel de puternic, mai frumos si mai stralucitor!
Ca bonus? Un prebiotic care ajuta la mentinerea echilibrului pielii si, astfel, la pastrarea nivelului de hidratare al pielii.
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
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La Erborian, suntem atat de increzatori in ingredientele noastre super-coreene, incat le-am acordat un loc cu mandrie in sticla noastra: extractele lor sunt incorporate in proportie de 80%.
Imbogatit cu vitamina c, cunoscut pentru proprietatile sale antioxidante, YUZA SUPER SERUM actioneaza precum un "scut zilnic". Acest serum ultra-lejer hraneste si protejeaza pielea de la deshidratare, ajutand in acelasi timp la protejarea de agresiunile externe. Obiectivul pielii revitalizate: la fel de puternic, mai frumos si mai stralucitor!
Ca bonus? Un prebiotic care ajuta la mentinerea echilibrului pielii si, astfel, la pastrarea nivelului de hidratare al pielii.
Vegan : Produse realizate cu ingrediente naturale.
Aplica pe fata dimineata si seara, inaintea produsului hidratant obisnuit.
La prima utilizare, apasa de mai multe ori pe pompa pentru a o activa. Din cauza texturii lichide, ca un suc de Yuzu, recomandam activarea pompei aproape de mana.
Datorita proportiei semnificative de ingrediente de origine naturala, culoarea formulei poate super modificari in timp. Acest lucru nu afecteaza eficacitatea sau calitatea produsului.
Super ingredientele noastre sunt renumite de secole in Coreea si au confirmat deja in formulele noastre... Totusi am vrut sa le examinam superputerile la microscop! Rezultatele sunt peste asteptarile noastre.
Acest super ser a fost testat in Franta timp de 4 saptamani si aprobat de un esantion special compus din persoane cu pielea deshidratata.
Eficacitatea sa a fost testata clinic de un expert care a constatat o ameliorare vizibila a hranirii pielii*. O performanta pentru un ser care nu lasa pelicula grasa pe piele!
*Scorare clinica pe 34 persoane timp de 1 luna
80% Yuzu, 90% ingrediente de origine naturala.
EXTRACTE DE FRUCT YUZU (Citrus Junos Fruit Extract) : cunoscute pentru proprietatile sale hidratante si antioxidante, contin ceramida C24 cunoscuta pentru intarirea barierei pielii.
EXTRACTE APOASE DE YUZU (Citrus Junos Fruit Water): obtinute printr-un proces de distilare cu abur a fructelor Yuzu, contin minerale necesare hidratarii pielii.
Vitamina C (Ascorbyl Glucoside): cunoscuta pentru proprietatile sale antioxidante.
Inulina: un prebiotic care pastreaza hidratarea pielii.
Aceasta lista de ingrediente poate suferi unele modificari. Consulta ambalajul produsului achizitionat.
A se evita contactul cu ochii.
Testat sub control dermatologic.
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130 recenzii
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130 recenzii
Jade N.
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Hava S.
Not amazing
I've used vitamin c products before this is very average
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Futura M.
Great day serum
I use this one for the morning routine as it’s lightweight for the day and sits well underneath my makeup. For my evening routine I use the ginseng serum as it’s slightly richer and perfect for the night.
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Justine S.
Fab serum
The yuza super serum is awesome. My skin has been terrible due to illness and medications and this serum has helped tremendous.
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Natalie V.
I’m not sure how I feel about this product. The only difference I’ve noticed is an increased breakout of spots.
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Angela A.
fresh and light
This serum is very pleasant to use, it has a liquid watery texture so it's very light, maybe a little too light (that's why it didn't get 5 stars). It absorbs easily and it has a very faint citrus smell. I would say it's perfect to use in summer or under heavier products because it won't clog your skin.
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Watery & Sticky
Unfortunate not a fan of this. It’s a really watery consistency which makes it hard to apply in the first instance. I had to put it in my palm and then dab it on and it drips between the hand and face making it messy to use. Rather than like a serum that you can pump onto the tips of your fingers and then apply. It’s just so runny. I have combination skin with no spots or wrinkles and I think quite good skin for being in mid late 40s but when I put it on, it leaves a horrid unpleasant sticky feeling on my skin making it difficult to apply cream on top. And then the cream doesn’t get absorbed in the same way. It also has triggered spots and I know it’s the Yuza Serum because it’s the only new thing I’ve used. I love most or the Erborian range but sadly not this one. perhaps it’s just not for my skin type. It’s a thumbs down for me.
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Muge P.
I love this product however I feel make my sling a bit dull I might need stronger hyrolic
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Lovely light hydrating serum
Love this product, hydrating but not sticky. You only need a tiny bit so it also lasts for a long time
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Annie H.
Super Serum couldn’t have a better name!
Just love this serum. Light and non greasy so easy to use - honestly I feel I see an improvement in just one week! Love it!
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Amazing serum
I was using a other branded vitamins serum but I didn't like it because was sticky. Erborian Yuza super serum, saved me! Water consistency it absorbs easily into the skin. It leave my skin soft and fresh!
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Karen B.
This is a great vitamin c serum
It’s like water which I think is very important for a Vit c serum. One pump spread the easily over the entire face and it absorb instantly with no stickiness. I wear it under, bamboo and ginseng serums then top with the Vit c cream which is an amazing base for their cc cream.
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I must honestly say this
I must honestly say this serum is great, love the light consistency and smells great,absorb easily and makes my skin feel really soft and hydrated, very efficient!#erboriansuperserum
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Easy absorbance
Very light, nutritious for the skin, easy absorbed
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Erborian - "Ierburi din Orient" a luat nastere din intalnirea a doi pasionati, Hojung Lee, om de stiinta coreean si Katalin Berenyi, ambasadoare a frumusetii. Ei impartasesc acelasi vis: sa transmita lumii secretele frumusetii din Coreea.
"Am creat Erborian cu Hojung ca ceva natural. Femeile din intreaga lume au un singur lucru in comun: o frumusete unica, autentica și naturala" - Katalin Berenyi, Presedinte si co-fondator.

Yuza Super Serum - Serum de fata hidratant
I recently suffered from a
I recently suffered from a really bad breakout after a bad reaction to skin product. This serum really helped reducing my hyperpigmentation marks as well as my skin inflammation. I'm a huge fan of Erborian products and this one is my latest addition. I use it in the morning before applying The Skin hero as a primer and the CC cream for better coverage and SPF. I use it again at night before applying my skin therapy. I can truly see a improvement in my skin in the last week or so.
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